
音标: 英 [ɑ:mˈwɑ:] 美 [ɑrmˈwɑr, ˈɑrmwɑr]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 大型衣橱

n. a large wardrobe or cabinet; originally used for storing weapons


1. I'm like an armoire, but I'm a people.

我就像大型衣橱 只不过我是人

2. You should be cool with it because I was the guy under the armoire.

你们应该原谅我 因为被压在大衣橱下的人是我

3. This armoire has been in my family for over a hundred years.


4. We needed a place to sit and the armoire seemed precarious.

我们要空出位子来坐 那橱柜好像也不太安全

5. You'll find the evening wear on the left side of the armoire.


6. So she could torture me to find out what I had seen in the secret compartment under her armoire.

她是为了折磨我 让我告诉她 我在她衣橱下面的秘密隔间里看到了什么

7. Donna's making your brother stay at home to wait for an armoire.

唐娜逼你哥留在家里 等柜子

8. So they dragged her upstairs where they found her son hiding in the armoire in the attic.

他们将她拖到楼上 然后发现她儿子 藏在阁楼衣橱里

9. I was walking down the street and I saw some poor schlub trapped under a giant armoire.

我走在街道上看到一个可怜虫 被困在一个大衣橱下面
