
音标: 英 [hɜ:l] 美 [hɚl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 用力的投掷
vt. 用力投掷, 发射, 愤慨地说出, 丢下
vi. 猛投, 猛掷

n. a violent throw
v. throw forcefully
v. utter with force; utter vehemently


1. You hurl accusations, I'll let the press hurl facts.

你提出指控 我就让媒体以事实回应

2. Excuse me while I hurl myself off this cliff.

失陪 有悬崖还等着我去跳

3. I've been hurled through space by a monolith before.


4. Where's my hurling bouquet? I'll get it.

我称手的砸人捧花哪儿去了 我去拿

5. Stones, arrows, and flame were all hurled at him.

石头 箭 火焰 都扔向他

6. That's why I hurled her away from the energy trail.


7. Other than feeling like I want to hurl, sure.

就是有点想吐 除此之外很好

8. Then, this twisting hurls field lines out into space.

然后 这一扭曲将磁感线抛入太空

9. Someone hurled it through my window last night.


10. Made you hurl, too. I think we might have been dosed.

还让人易怒 我觉得我们被人下药了
