STFSupremo Tribunal Federal
STFSummary Tape File (US Census)
STFSave the Family (various locations)
STFSpecial Task Force
STFStart to Finish (various companies)
STFSave the Tiger Fund
STFSynthetic Transmission Fluid (vehicles)
STFSvenska Turistföreningen
STFSofia the First (computer-animated TV series)
STFSewage Treatment Facility (various locations)
STFSeeing the Forest (political blog)
STFScience and Technology Foundation (New York)
STFSaskatchewan Teachers Federation
STFShrink to Fit (clothing)
STFSetup File
STFScale to Fit
STFSave to File
STFStorm Type Foundry (Czech Republic)
STFStudent Technology Fee
STFShort-Term Facility (finance)
STFSony Talk Forum
STFSongahm Taekwondo Federation (martial arts)
STFShort-Term Fluctuation
STFSustainability Task Force (various locations)
STFStorming the Floor (college basketball website)
STFStandard Formula
STFSlips, Trips, and Falls (occupational injuries)
STFStructured File (File Name Extension)
STFSpin Test Facility
STFSystemic Transformation Facility (IMF)
STFSpecial Transportation Fund
STFSteal This Film (movie)
STFSmooth Transition Focus (camera lens)
STFScientifiction (Early name for Science Fiction)
STFSchweizerische Technische Fachschule (Winterthur, Switzerland)
STFSecond to Find (geocaching)
STFScottish Training Federation (UK)
STFStudy Tagging File
STFShare Transfer Form
STFShort-Time Fourier
STFSearch the Forum
STFSignal Transfer Function
STFSystems Technology Forum
STFSource Time Function (seismology)
STFShort Term Forecast (weather)
STFSystem Transfer Function
STFSpecial Tactical Force (Crisis Zone game)
STFSingapore Taekwondo Federation
STFSoil Transport and Fate Database (US EPA)
STFStorm the Front (gaming clan)
STFSupport the Future
STFSeminole Tribe of Florida
STFSimple Test Framework
STFSatellite Test Facility
STFStep-over Toehold with Facelock (pro wrestling maneuver)
STFSpecific Transfer Factor
STFStep-Over Toe-Hold Face-Lock (wrestling)
STFSimulation and Training Function
STFSolar Test Facility
STFStanford Theatre Foundation (Palo Alto, CA)
STFStructural Test Firing (US Navy)
STFStormwater Treatment Facility
STFSatellite Tracking Facility
STFSystem Technology Forecast
STFSilence the Fall (band)
STFSpecial Turf Filler (artificial sport surface)
STFSoftware Testing Facility
STFSalafi Task Force