
词组 paces
释义 paces /ˈpeɪsɪz/ SEE ALL
go through your ˈpacesshow your ˈpacesperform a particular activity in order to show other people what you are capable of doing 展示自己的能力;显身手The team went through their paces in front of an adoring public.
put sb/sth through their/its ˈpacestest sb’s/sth’s ability to do sth by making them/it show how well they/it can actually perform certain actions, tasks, etc. 测试某物的性能;考验某人的能力We watched the trainer putting the police dog through its paces.
They’re putting the new machinery through its paces.
NOTE These expressions refer to judging the performance of a horse before deciding to buy it. 这些表达法原指在买马前判断马的能力。

