
词组 patience
释义 patience /ˈpeɪʃns/ SEE ALL
the patience of a ˈsaint/of ˈJobvery great patience 极大的忍耐力;极大的耐心I don’t know how she does it — she’s got the patience of a saint, that woman!
You need the patience of Job to deal with customers like that.
ORIGIN Job was a character in the Bible who lost his family, his home and his possessions, but still did not reject God. * Job (约伯)是《圣经》中的人物,他失去了亲人、家庭和财产,可是仍然没有背弃上帝。
try sb’s ˈpatiencemake sb feel impatient 使忍无可忍;使不耐烦Jim’s constant complaining was really beginning to try her patience.吉姆一直在抱怨,她真的快要失去耐心了。

