组词“be a shining example (of sb/sth)”的意思

词组 be a shining example (of sb/sth)
释义 be a shining eˈxample (of sb/sth) ( be a shining ˈlight) be a very good example of sb/sth, which other people can follow or copy 是(…的)优秀榜样;是楷模Their friends think Phillip and Joan are a shining example of a happily married couple.朋友们都认为菲利普和琼是美满夫妻的典范。His books on grammar are a shining light in a very difficult and confused field.这一领域极其艰深且扑朔迷离,他的几本语法书犹如明灯,使研究的路子明朗了。

