
词组 toast
释义 toast BrE /təʊst/
NAmE /toʊst/
be ˈtoast (slang) be in very serious trouble 陷入困境;情势严峻If Dad finds out about this, we’re toast!
ORIGIN This probably comes from the US film Ghostbusters. 这个习语或许源于美国影片《捉鬼敢死队》。
be the toast of…be sb who is praised by a lot of people in a particular place because of sth that they have done well (在某个地方)广受赞誉,被众口称赞Eddie was the toast of Hollywood yesterday after winning three awards for his latest film.
propose a ˈtoast (to sb)ask people to wish sb health, happiness and success by raising their glasses and drinking (为某人)干杯I’d like to propose a toast to the bride and groom.我提议为新郎新娘的幸福干杯! ORIGIN In the past, the name of a lady who was being wished health and happiness was supposed to improve the flavour of the wine like the pieces of spiced toast that people put in their wine. 旧时人们认为,如果一位女子接受了祝福,那么她的名字可以使葡萄酒变得更加醇香,就好比味道浓郁的烤面包片放进葡萄酒里一样。(as) warm as ˈtoastpleasantly warm compared to the cold air outside etc. (和外面的严寒相比)暖烘烘的I’ll light the fire and we’ll soon be as warm as toast in here.我来生火,很快我们这里就会温暖如春。

