
词组 call
释义 call /kɔːl/ SEE ALL
beyond the call of ˈduty (formal) used for describing a greater degree of courage or effort than is usual or expected in a job, etc. (勇气或努力)超出工作要求The young policeman later received an award for bravery beyond the call of duty.
call sb’s ˈbluffgive sb the chance to do what they are threatening to do, because you believe they will not or cannot do it 要求某人摊牌;促使某人做其威胁要做的事Next time she offers her resignation, they’ll call her bluff and accept it.
NOTE If you call somebody’s bluff in the game of poker, you force them to show their cards. 这个习语源于扑克牌戏,指迫使某人亮出底牌。
call a ˈhalt (to sth)stop an activity 叫停(某活动);终止We must call a halt to people leaving work early without permission.
call it a ˈday (informal) decide to stop doing sth, especially sth you have been doing for a long time 结束一天的工作;到此为止;停止We’d painted half the room and were feeling a bit tired so we decided to call it a day.
call it ˈquits (informal) decide to end an argument, a disagreement, etc. at a point where both sides are equal (在双方对等的情况下)同意停止争论,彼此两清I know I upset you, but you said some nasty things to me too. Can’t we just call it quits and try to forget it?
OPP even the score
call sb ˈnamesinsult sb with rude or unpleasant names 辱骂;谩骂In the playground, the other children called him names.


They were subjected to name-calling and jokes at their expense.
a call of ˈnature (humorous) a need to go to the toilet 生理需要(指上厕所);要解手He left the meeting to answer a call of nature.
call sth your ˈownclaim sth as belonging to you 宣称某物属于自己At her age she needs a place she can call her own.
call the ˈshots/the ˈtune (informal) be in control 定调子;控制;操纵Ask Jenny — she’s the one who calls the shots around here.
call a ˌspade a ˈspadespeak openly and directly about sth unpleasant 据实而言;直言不讳I believe in calling a spade a spade. When a patient’s going to die, I say so. Most people prefer to know the truth.
OPP beat about the bush
call sb to acˈcount (for/over sth) (formal) make sb explain a mistake, loss, etc. 责成某人(就错误或损失等)作出解释;责问His manager called him to account over the missing reports.
call yourself a ˈteacher, ˈfriend, etc.? (informal) used to say that you do not think sb is a very good teacher, friend, etc. 你觉得自己算一个合格的教师(或朋友等)吗Call yourself a friend? Why did you forget my birthday then?
How can he call himself a musician when he’s never even heard of Schubert?
don’t call ˌus, we’ll call ˈyou (informal) used for indicating that the speaker has no interest in meeting sb, taking sth that sb is offering, etc. (暗示说话者对见某人或接受某物等没有兴趣)不要打电话给我,等我给你打电话吧I had hoped she might want me to work with her, but her attitude was one of ‘don’t call us, we’ll call you.’
on ˈcall (of a doctor, etc. 医生等) available for duty if needed 随叫随到Our qualified staff are on call 24 hours a day should you need any technical support.
如果你需要任何技术支持的话,我们有具备资质的员工 24 小时待命。
at sb’s ˌbeck and ˈcallalways ready and required to do exactly what sb asks 随时听某人的招呼;唯命是从Working in a big store means being at the customers’ beck and call all day.在大商场上班就意味着整天随时要听从顾客的招呼。 NOTE Beck is a shortened form of the word ‘beckon’ (= give somebody a signal with your finger or hand, especially to tell them to come closer). * beck 是 beckon 的简写形式,意为以手指或手示意某人(尤指招呼某人过来)。 a ˌclose ˈshave/ˈcall (informal) a situation where a disaster, an accident, etc. almost happens 侥幸避免事故;侥幸脱险;幸免于难We didn’t actually hit the other car, but it was a close shave.我们并没有真的撞上那辆车,不过很险。Phew! That was a close call — she nearly saw us!喔,好险啊!她差点看到我们!have first ˈcall (on sb/sth)be the most important person or thing competing for sb’s time, money, etc. and be dealt with or paid for before other people or things 需要首先应付的;最需关心的人(或事)The children always have first call on her time.孩子们总是她最放在心上的。bring/call sb/sth to ˈmindremind you of sb/sth 使想起;使记起Her paintings bring to mind hot summer days in Provence.她的画使人想起普罗旺斯炎热的夏日。bring/call/put sth into ˈplaymake sth begin to work or operate; involve sth in sth 使开始工作(或运转);使起作用;使参与进来The exercise brings many skills into play.做这项训练需要运用多种技能。This latest decision calls many new factors into play.最后一次决定考虑了很多新的因素。a ˌport of ˈcall (informal) a place where you go or stop for a short time, especially when you are going to several places (旅途中的)临时停留点,落脚处Our first port of call this morning is the bank.我们今天上午第一个要去的地方是银行。 NOTE These two idioms refer to ports where ships stop for a short time during a voyage. 这两个习语原指船只在航行中沿途临时停靠的港口。 bring/call/throw sth into ˈquestioncause sth to become a matter for doubt and discussion 引起对…的怀疑(或讨论)Scandals like this call into question the honesty of the police.诸如此类的丑闻使人们开始怀疑警方的诚信。The high number of accidents has brought government policy on industrial safety into question.大量的事故引发了人们对政府工业安全政策的质疑。a ˈwake-up callan event that makes people realize that they must take action in a dangerous situation 警钟;起警戒作用的事件The recent storms and floods have been a wake-up call for many people about the reality of climate change.最近的暴风雨和洪水给很多人敲响了警钟,使他们意识到气候变化的事实。ˈwhat-d’you-call-him/-her/-it/-themˈwhat’s-his/-her/-its/-their-nameused instead of a name that you cannot remember (用于记不得名字时)你叫他(或她、它、他们)什么来着She’s just gone out with old what-d’you-call-him.她刚和那个叫老什么来着的人一块出去了。Have you heard from what’s-her-name from the library recently?你最近听到过图书馆那谁的消息吗?我记不清她名字了。

