
词组 post
释义 post BrE /pəʊst/
NAmE /poʊst/
SEE ALL(as) deaf as a ˈpost (informal) unable to hear anything 聋得什么也听不见;聋得像个木桩You’ll have to shout if you want her to hear you. She’s as deaf as a post.你想让她听见就得大声喊,她耳朵聋得厉害。be driven, pushed, etc. from ˌpillar to ˈpostbe forced to go from one person or situation to another without achieving anything 被迫四处碰壁(或到处奔波)Vast numbers of refugees have been pushed from pillar to post in that area.大批的难民被迫在那个地区到处奔波。pip sb at/to the ˈpost (BrE, informal) beat sb in a race, competition, etc. by only a small amount or at the last moment 以微弱优势(或在最后一刻)击败某人;险胜We thought we’d won the contract, but we were pipped at the post by a rival company.我们以为能赢得合约,可是在最后一刻输给了一家对手公司。I was winning the race until Tina came up behind me and pipped me to the post.我就要赢得比赛时蒂娜从后面赶上来超过了我。

