LDSLatter-day Saints (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
LDSLightweight Directory Services (windows programming)
LDSLaptop Docking Station
LDSLocal Development Strategy (various locations)
LDSLoeys-Dietz Syndrome
LDSLongitudinal Data System (education; various locations)
LDSLoods (Dutch)
LDSLogo Design Software
LDSLiberalna Demokracija Slovenije (Slovenian: Liberal Democracy of Slovenia)
LDSLong Distance Service
LDSLarge Disk Support
LDSLaser Direct Screen
LDSLens Data System
LDSLower Data Strobe
LDSLinbox Directory Server
LDSLoad Stack Pointer
LDSLinear Data Set
LDSLogo Design Studio
LDSLogic Data Set
LDSLogical Data Stream
LDSLoad Ds Segment
LDSLinux Development Suite
LDSLiterary and Debating Society (various locations)
LDSLoans for Disadvantaged Students (US HRSA)
LDSLeadership Development Specialist
LDSLiberal Democratic Party (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
LDSLeague Division Series (Major League Baseball)
LDSLearning Disabilities Services (various locations)
LDSLiquid Delivery System
LDSLimited Data Set
LDSLow Discrepancy Sequence
LDSLeak Detection System
LDSLeadership Development Solutions (Romania)
LDSLibrary Development and Services (various locations)
LDSLotus Discovery Server
LDSLogistics Data System
LDSLinear Dynamical System
LDSLicentiate in Dental Surgery
LDSLocal Dive Shop
LDSLocal Digital Switch
LDSLimited Discrepancy Search
LDSLabor Distribution System
LDSLightning Detection System
LDSLoral Defense Systems
LDSLarge Disk Support (computing)
LDSLightweight Decontamination System
LDSLogic Development System
LDSLaus Deo Semper (Latin: Praise to God Always)
LDSLeiden-Dwingeloo Survey
LDSLocation Dependent Services (GSM cellular)
LDSLeadership Development System
LDSLoad Demand Spindle
LDSLogical Data Store
LDSLinear Dataset (IBM, VSAM)
LDSLightguide Distribution Shelf (AT&T)
LDSLeft-Heart Delivery System (Medtronic Inc.)
LDSLaser Docking Sensor
LDSLaser Detection System
LDSLexington Discrimination System
LDSLearning Delivery System
LDSLayered Defense System
LDSLaunch Detection Satellite
LDSLoan Data Sheet
LDSLevel Discrete Set
LDSLocal Digital Services
LDSLethal Defense System
LDSLearning Disability Skills
LDSLiberalno Demokratska Stranka Liberal Democratic Party, Slovenia)
LDSLocal Data Services
LDSLos del Sur Rebel (Spanish: The Rebel South)
LDSLockdown Sleeve (oil drilling)
LDSLightguide Distribution System (AT&T)
LDSLaboratório de Desenvolvimento de Software (Portuguese: Lab Software Development)
LDSLow Dynamic Stiffness
LDSLocal Dissemination System