
音标: 英 [sti:p] 美 [stip]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 浸渍, 悬崖
a. 险峻的, 陡峭的, 急剧升降的, 夸大的
v. 浸, 泡

n. a steep place (as on a hill)
v. devote (oneself) fully to
v. let sit in a liquid to extract a flavor or to cleanse
a. having a sharp inclination


1. I was stunned by how well this thing could climb steep, steep slopes, as long as they were rocky.

我着实为此吃了一惊 只要是岩石 这家伙再陡的坡也能爬

2. Road's one lane each way, steep rise on one side, steep dropoff on the other.

那里每条路都是单行道 一边是悬崖一边是峭壁

3. In places where the ground is steep, the gradient is steep and water flows quickly and it usually flows in a straight line.

地势越陡 梯度越大 水流越快 而且水一般以直线流动

4. I don't remember this slope being so steep.


5. The incline's too steep for a landing.

斜坡角度過大 無法著陸

6. Its food is steeped in mysterious traditions.


7. We can only hope. It's too steep to climb.

我们只能抱有希望 这里陡峭得无法攀爬

8. It's a steep learning curve, but it flattens out.

刚开始会比较困难 慢慢会好的

9. They all have enjoyed steep discounts here lately.


10. I hope you're not wallowing and steeping in selfloathing.

