
音标: 英 [ˈɑ:məmənt] 美 [ˈɑrməmənt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 军备, 军队, 武器
[机] 武器

n. weaponry used by military or naval force


1. And I'll warn you we have heavy armament.

我警告你 我们有重武器

2. I've never seen a man utilize his armaments with such speed and efficiency.

我从来没见过一个人使用武器 如此地快速精准

3. Maston finds it unfair hunting primitives with anything but their own primitive armaments.

马斯顿觉得 杀原始人 用他们自己的原始武器才公平

4. For a structure that was once an armory, and despite my best efforts, we are still in limited supply of armaments.

对于一座曾是军火库的建筑而言 尽管我千般努力 我们的军火供应依然捉襟见肘

5. It can also target and detect troops, armaments pretty much anything.

它也可用来瞄准和侦测军队 武器... 基本上所有物体

6. Troop movements, personnel counts, armament details, and then I need you to get your ass back here in one piece.

军队动向 士兵数量 武器状况 然后我需要你给我活着滚回来

7. You need entrances, exits, number of terrorists, hostages, explosives, how they're rigged, armaments, hostage locations, and if bio weapons are a real threat or a bluff.

你需要入口出口位置 恐怖分子 人质及炸药的数量 他们怎么运作 装备如何 人质位置 以及生物武器是真有其事还是虚张声势
