
音标: 英 [bleə(r)] 美 [blɛr]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 巨响, 吼叫声, 光泽
vi. 高声鸣叫, 大叫
vt. 大声喊出

n. a loud harsh or strident noise


1. So, red lights are flashing, alarms are blaring.

红灯闪烁 警报响个不停

2. You you didn't whine about me blaring my music the whole way here.

你没抱怨 我一路上都大声放音乐

3. But when I looked back up, there were lights and this horn was blaring.

但当我抬起头 才意识到有车灯和鸣笛声

4. Look, I can assure you, blaring alarms are not my style.

听着 我向你保证 引发警报不是我的风格

5. Let me find a corner and wait for the sirens to blare.

我去找个角落 等清楚警报敲响吧

6. We woke in the rec room to the carbon monoxide alarm blaring.

伴随着一氧化碳警报 我们在医院康乐室醒来

7. I heard the blares of him from here until they got an axe to his skull and a knife across his throat.

我在屋里一直听到它在嘶吼 直到他们用斧子劈了它的头 用刀割了它的喉

8. They didn't even know they're tran*itting it, but they were blaring it like neon signs of sadness.

他们甚至不知道自己流露出这种情绪 但他们在诉说的时候都面带悲伤

9. Blaring your country music from your studio apartment while scratching lotto tickets.

一边刮着乐透 一边在公寓工作室里 放着你们的乡村音乐

10. So I'm totally naked, super drunk with this alarm blaring and he and my coat are at a different door, but I didn't know that.

我* 醉醺醺的 警报大作 他和我的外套 在另一扇门里 但我完全不知道
