
音标: 英 [ˈselfɪʃ] 美 [ˈsɛlfɪʃ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 自私的, 利己主义的, 自我中心的

a. concerned chiefly or only with yourself and your advantage to the exclusion of others


1. I'm so selfish. I'm selfish. I'm just so selfish.

我真自私 我真自私 我太自私了

2. I mean, I'm selfish, but I'm not that selfish.

我很自私 但我没有那么自私

3. Selfish of him, but he's a selfish man.

是他的私心 他是个自私的人

4. It's been deceit from start to finish with you, you're selfish, utterly selfish.

你从来就知道骗人 你自私透顶

5. I might be a selfish street rat, but you, you're a selfish princess.

我可能是自私的过街老鼠 但你 是个自私的公主

6. But if you don't do it, you are being selfish.

但如果你不做 就是自私了

7. I did it because it would have been selfish not to.


8. And they view themselves as the center of the universe, which is kind of the ultimate selfishness stand or selfish stand.

他们把自己当作宇宙中心 这种观点 这种立场 非常自私

9. It is a wicked, selfish fool who chooses another wicked, selfish fool as her example.

一个恶劣 自私的傻瓜 选择另一个恶劣 自私的傻瓜 作为她的榜样

10. I was I was a selfish jerk back then, and I surrounded myself with other selfish jerks, and basically just spent my life jerking people around.

我当时确实是个自私的* 我周围的朋友也都是自私的* 我原来的人生基本就是在玩弄别人
