
单词 pickle
释义 pickle n 1 (a) [U] food (esp vegetables) preserved in vinegar or salt water 腌菜(尤指蔬菜)     red cabbage pickle 红卷心菜泡菜. (b) [C usu pl 通常作复数] particular vegetable preserved in this way 泡菜     The dish was accompanied by a variety of pickles. 这盘菜配有什锦泡菜.     cheese and pickles 奶酪加泡菜. (c) [U] liquid used to preserve food in this way 泡菜水; 腌菜的汁     leave an ox tongue in salt pickle 把牛口条放在腌菜汁里腌制. Cf 参看 relish 3, sauce 1. 2 [C] (Brit infml 口) mischievous child 调皮孩子     She´s a real little pickle! 她真是个小调皮! 3 (idm 习语) (in) a sad, sorry, nice, pretty, etc `pickle (in) a difficult or unpleasant situation; (in) a mess 处境困难或不愉快; 又脏又乱. pickle, v [Tn] preserve (vegetables, etc) in pickle (用腌菜汁)腌渍(蔬菜等)     pickled cabbage, onions, walnuts, etc 腌洋白菜、 洋葱、 胡桃等. pickled adj (infml 口) drunk 醉的     By this time, he was hopelessly pickled. 到这时他已经烂醉如泥了.

