
单词 restitue
释义 restitue, v. Obs.
Also 5–6 restytue.
[ad. F. restituer (14th c.) or L. restituĕre, f. re- re- + statuĕre to set up, etc.]
a. intr. To make restitution.
b. trans. To restore. Also in pass., to have restitution made to (oneself).
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. v. 281 Alle þat haue of þi good..Ben holden at þe heighe dome to helpe þe to restitue.Ibid. 297 And if þow wite neuere to whiche ne whom to restitue, Bere it to þe bisschop and bidde [etc.].1393Ibid. C. xi. 54 Raþer haue we no reste til we restitue Our lyf to oure lord god for oure lykames gultes.1425Rolls of Parlt. IV. 304/2 The said Merchantz..yat have lost..any Woll..may be restitued and allowed of ye Subsidee of yat so perished..or lost.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 428 b/2 Two dombe chyldren and dyuers other that had loste the use of the tongue were restytued of theyr spekyng.1484Fables of Alfonce iv, Who someuer had fond a thowsand Crownes..he shold restitue and brynge them to hym ageyne.1530Palsgr. 689/1, I restytue, I restore.

