
单词 preside
释义 preside, v.|prɪˈzaɪd|
Also 7 præ-, Sc. preceid, -seid.
[a. F. présider (15th c. in Littré), ad. L. præsidēre to sit before, hence, to preside over, to guard, f. præ, pre- + sedēre to sit.]
1. a. intr. To occupy the chair or seat of authority in any assembly, or at the ordinary meetings of a society or company; to act as chairman or president.
1611Cotgr., Presider, to preside.1638R. Baker tr. Balzac's Lett. (vol. III.) 152 Nor [do I] suspect the integritie of the Judges that præside there.1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. i. §98 By his place, he presided in all Publick Councils.1682in Scott. Antiq. (1901) July 7 Possessing him selfe in preseiding.Ibid. 8 His possessione of preceiding in the meetingis of the facultie as formerlie.1782Priestley Corrupt. Chr. I. iii. 310 Remi himself presided.1839Keightley Hist. Eng. II. 104 Norfolk presided as lord high Steward.
b. To sit at the head of the table.
1871R. Ellis tr. Catullus xxvii. 3 So Postumia, queen of healths presiding, Bids.1900‘Sarah Grand’ Babs xxiv, He led his guests into the dining-room..‘Will you preside, dear lady?’ he said.
c. transf. To take the foremost place.
1735Somerville Chase ii. 236 In the rapid Course Alternate they preside, and justling push To guide the dubious Scent.
2. To exercise superintendence, direction, or control. Also fig. to sit or reign supreme.
1656Blount Glossogr., Preside, to have authority or rule, to have the protection and tuition of any thing, place or people.1675Ogilby Brit. Introd. 3 One Alderman to each Ward, over which he Presides.1726Swift Gulliver iii. iii, That part of the earth over which the monarch presides.1728Young Love of Fame i. 201 How comes it then to pass we see preside On both their brows an equal share of pride?1754J. Woolman Wks. (1840) 198 When self-love presides in our mind our opinions are biased in our own favour.1796Morse Amer. Geog. I. 279 In none of their meetings have they [Quakers] a President; as they believe Divine Wisdom alone ought to preside.1823De Quincey Lett. Educ. ii. Wks. 1860 XIV. 32 The same ideal must have presided.1849Macaulay Hist. Eng. vi. II. 14 Others presided over important departments of the civil administration.1869H. F. Tozer Highl. Turkey II. 282 Some law must have presided over their formation.
3. trans. To direct, control.
1665Manley Grotius' Low C. Warres 649 Some accusing the unskilfulness of those that were to preside the Naval Affairs.1802–12Bentham Ration. Judic. Evid. (1827) II. 119 A trial before a jury, presided by one of the twelve judges.1837Carlyle Fr. Rev. I. iii. iii, He..sits there, since he must sit, presiding that Bureau of his.1967Decision & Decision-Makers in Mod. State (Unesco) 82 The council is presided by the President or the Vice-President.1974Amer. Speech 1971 XLVI. 113 The meeting was presided..by Dean Pinero.
4. intr. to preside at the organ, or piano (harpsichord, etc.). orig. To conduct or be ready to guide the band on the instrument in question; now, in popular use, To have general control of the instrument for the time, to be (or act as) organist or pianist during any social, religious, or musical assembly.
‘In former times the chief musician sat at a pianoforte in the orchestra with the score before him; but it does not appear that he beat time continuously, or in any way influenced the band, or did more than put in a few chords now and then when the orchestra was going astray’ (Grove in Dict. Mus. I. 390).
1799Chron. in Ann. Reg. 451 Preside is the word now applied—not to the leader of the band, but to some distinguished performer—as, ‘Mr. ― will preside at the harpsichord’. Dr. Johnson did not live long enough to insert this meaning of the word, or to inquire whether it had any.1907West Cumberld. Times 4 Dec. 2/6 The hymn ‘Rock of ages’ was then sung by the congregation, Mr. T. L― presiding at the organ.
5. catachr. intr. To preponderate.
1718J. Fox Wanderer 12 These were no sooner in the Scales, but I perceiv'd that [scale] to preside, which held so unhappy a Part of the Female World.

