
单词 unquick
释义 I. unˈquick, a. rare.
[un-1 7. Cf. MDa. and Norw. ukvik.]
1. Lifeless, dead.
c1449Pecock Repr. ii. ix. 193 Ech lyuyng man is verier..ymage of Crist..than is eny vnquyk stok or stoon.Ibid., The making..of suche vnquyke gay ymagis.
2. Not lively or active.
c1445Pecock Donet 208 Þat þou be not in eny of hem [sc. matters] to sluggy, vnquyke and heuy.a1560T. Phaer æneid ix. (1562) Ee iij b, We wear our lyues in spending stele,..nor age vnquick enfebleth ought our mynds.1925D. H. Lawrence Refl. Death Porcupine 111 The novel..can't exist without being ‘quick’. The ordinary unquick novel, even if it be a best seller, disappears into absolute nothingness.
II. unˈquick, v.
[un-2 + quick v.1]
intr. To lose vivacity.
1595Daniel Civ. Wars iii. lxii, His sences droope, his steedy eye[s] vnquicke, And much he ayles.

