
单词 tilly-vally
释义 tilly-vally, int. Obs. or arch.
Also 6 tully valy, 7 tillie vallie, 7, 9 tilly-fally, 9 tilley-valley.
[Origin unknown.]
An exclamation of impatience: Nonsense! fiddlesticks!
a1529Skelton Manerly Marg. Mylk & Ale 5 Tully valy, strawe, let be, I say!1597Shakes. 2 Hen. IV, ii. v. 90 Tilly-fally (Sir Iohn) neuer tell me, your ancient Swaggerer comes not in my doores.1601Twel. N. ii. iii. 83 Am not I consanguinious? Am I not of her blood? tilly vally.c1630Life Sir T. More iv. 127 Tillie vallie, tillie vallie: will you sitt and make goslings in the ashes?1816Scott Antiq. vi, Tilley-valley, Mr. Lovel—which, by the way, one commentator derives from tittivillitium, and another from talley-ho—but tilley-valley, I say, a truce with your politeness.1864St. James' Mag. 334 Tilly-fally, man!—But go on with your evidence, brother Burt.

