
单词 timbale
释义 timbale|tɛ̃bal|
[F.: see prec.]
1. Entom. A membrane (resembling a drum-head) in certain insects, as the cicada, by means of which a shrill chirping sound is produced.
1854Bushnan in Circ. Sc. (c 1865) I. 295/1 [In the cicada] the muscles..act upon the timbales, stretching them out or bringing them into their natural state, whereby the sounds are produced.1867Marshall Physiol., Hum. & Comp. I. 271 The noises in certain species [of insects] are dependent upon the rapid movements of folded membranes, called the timbales,..moved by..special..muscular fibres.
2. Cookery. A dish made of finely minced meat, fish, or other ingredients, cooked in a crust of paste or in a mould: so called from its shape.
1824Byron Juan xv. lxvi. 38 Then there was God knows what ‘à l'Allemande’,..‘timballe’, and ‘Salpicon’.1866Mrs. Gaskell Wives & Dau. I. xv. 178 Mr. Gibson had to satisfy his healthy English appetite on badly-made omelettes, rissoles, vol-au-vents, croquets, and timbales.1880‘Ouida’ Moths I. 25 Eating her last morsel of a truffled timbale.1899Westm. Gaz. 16 Sept. 1/3 ‘If I could only have a little sweetbread timbale’, she said longingly.1908Daily Chron. 10 Apr. 7/5 Chicken Timbales with Sauce.
3. Comb. timbale-iron, a cooking utensil with a bulging head used to form a cup-shaped crust.
1895in Funk's Stand. Dict.

Add:[2.] b. = timbale mould, sense 3 below; also, the pastry crust in which a timbale is served.
[1846A. Soyer Gastronomic Regenerator 538 Pommes au Riz en Timbale. Line a plain round mould with pâte fine.., having previously buttered it.]1906Mrs. Beeton's Bk. Househ. Managem. lxi. 1651 Salpicon.—This name is applied to the various mixtures used for filling timbales, bombs, patty-cases.1907G. A. Escoffier Guide Mod. Cookery xx. 778 Pêches Melba. Poach the peaches in vanilla-flavoured syrup. Dish them in a timbale upon a layer of vanilla ice-cream, [etc.].1960E. David French Provincial Cooking 69 Foods cooked in a timbale (and turned out on to the serving dish) have acquired the name of the utensil, e.g. timbale de riz, timbale de fruits de mer.1982N. Freeling Wolfnight 104 Richard dipping his finger into all the silver timbales.
[3.] timbale mould, a plain, cup-shaped mould (usu. of copper or tin) in which a timbale is prepared.
1895Army & Navy Co-op. Soc. Price List 305 (caption) Shallow *timbole [sic] mould—5 5½ in. 3/3 3/6.1989Bon Appetit Sept. 82/3 Butter eight 1/3-cup timbale molds or ramekins. Half fill each with crab mixture.

