
单词 virginly
释义 I. ˈvirginly, a. Obs.—1
[f. as prec. + -ly1.]
Virgin, virgin-like.
1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. Luke xxiv. 88 Dooe ye not knowe the menyng of it to bee the enclosure & tabernacle of the virginly chastitee, whiche neither any mortall man entreyng vnto it, ne the soonne of God..hath violated or defoiled?
II. ˈvirginly, adv.
[f. as prec. + -ly2.]
As or like a virgin; in or after the manner of a virgin; in a way becoming to a virgin or virgins.
1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 194/1 The holy ghoost shewed unto saynt germayn of ancerre how she shold serue god holyly & virgynely.1823Moore Rhymes on Road v. 34 Whose beginnings are virginly pure as the source Of some mountainous rivulet.1895Meredith Amazing Marriage I. xv. 161 Virginly sensible of treasures of love to give.

