
单词 ink
释义 I. ink, n.1|ɪŋk|
Forms: 3–4 enke, (5 enk, henk), 3 inc, 3, 6–7 inck, 4–6 ynk(e, 4–7 inke, (6 incke, 6–7 yncke), 3– ink.
[a. OF. enque (11th c. in Hatz.-Darm.; in mod.F. encre):—late L. encaustum, a. Gr. ἔγκαυστον the purple ink used by the Greek and Roman emperors for their signatures, f. ἐγκαίειν to burn in (see encaustic). The OF. form retained the Greek accent, while It. inchiostro (Old Milanese incostro, Diez) is due to the Latin stressing encau·stum, *encau·strum. The word has been adopted in Boh. as inkoust, formerly inkaust; and in Du. as inkt (older enkt).]
1. a. The coloured (usually black) fluid ordinarily employed in writing with a pen on paper, parchment, etc. (writing ink), or the viscous paste used for a similar purpose in printing (printing ink or printer's ink).
When the word is used without qualification, the ordinary black writing-fluid is commonly meant. The various kinds of ink are distinguished by their colour, as black, red, blue, gold ink, etc.; by the purpose which they serve, as copying, lithographic, marking, printing (or printer's), writing ink; by some special quality, as indelible, invisible, sympathetic ink; by the place of manufacture, as China, Indian Ink, q.v.
c1250Meid Maregrete lxi, So boc is writen wid enke.a1300Cursor M. 648 Es nan forsoth wit hert mai think, Ne writer nan mai write wit inc [Trin. MS. enke] Þe mikel ioy.a1375Joseph Arim. 194 On vche braunche was a word of þreo maner enkes, Gold and Seluer he seis and Asur for⁓soþe.1387–8T. Usk Test. Love Prol. (Skeat) I. 15 Some..painten with colours riche and some with vers, as with red inke, and some with coles and chalke.c1400Apol. Loll. 91 We how not to honor þe gospel þus, þat is to sey, þe henk, or þe parchemyn.1480Caxton Descr. Scotl. (1520) 1/2 They wolde somtyme..peynt them with ynke or with other peinture or coloure.1568Grafton Chron. II. 637 Guthenbergius,..within .xvj. yeres after did invent the ynke which the Printers now use.1590Spenser F.Q. i. i. 22 Deformed monsters, fowle, and blacke as inke.1638F. Junius Paint. of Ancients 285 Such a thinne kinde of inke or vernish, that it did..darken the.. glasing colours.1712tr. Pomet's Hist. Drugs I. 142 The Indians dye Skins, and make Ink with them.1727–41Chambers Cycl. s.v., Indian, or Chinese ink, is an admirable composition..it is not fluid, like our writing inks.Ibid., Printing ink is made of nut-oil, or linseed-oil, turpentine and lamp-black.1753Ibid. Suppl. s.v., Every sort of liquor with which a person may write so that the letters do not appear till there is some particular means used to give them a colour different from that of the paper, are called by the name of sympathetic Inks.1765Dict. Arts & Sc. s.v., Composition of common black Ink. Preparation of Red Ink from Vermilion.1796Withering Brit. Pl. III. 743 The expressed juice of the petals is a good blue ink.1819Pantologia s.v. Ink, ‘Chemical Indelible Ink’ sold for the purpose of marking linen.1829Hood Eug. Aram xxi, A sluggish water, black as ink, The depth was so extreme.1855Carlyle Misc., Prinzenraub (1872) VII. 158 Battles..fought only by ink.1893F. C. Selous Trav. S.E. Africa 151 The whole sky on one side of the heavens was as black as ink.1899Brit. Printer XII. 62 When..type here and there refuses to take ink.
fig. and transf.1548Hall Chron., Hen. VII 48 Yt no person beyng embrued or spotted wt y⊇ ynke of y⊇ abhominable crime, shoulde escape y⊇ peyne.1677A. Horneck Gt. Law Consid. iv. (1704) 198 As if, like aqua fortis, it would take out the ink which sin and the devil have cast on their souls in a moment.1879J. Burroughs Locusts & W. Honey 129 The lake was a pool of ink.
b. The black inky liquid secreted by the cuttle-fish and allied cephalopods, and stored in a sac or bladder, from which it is ejected at will so as to cloud the water and assist the animal in its escape from danger.
a1586Sidney Arcadia (1622) 61 The fish called sepia, which being in the net, castes a blacke inke about itselfe, that in the darkenesse thereof it may scape.1589tr. Pasquil's Return C b, They are the very Spawnes of the fish Sæpia,..where the streame is cleere,..they vomit vp yncke to trouble the waters.1641‘Smectymnuus’ Vind. Answ. v. 62 He deals like the fish Sepia, and casteth out a great deal of black inke before the eyes of the Reader, that so hee may escape without observation.1815W. Prout in Thomson Ann. Philos. V. 417 (heading) On the Colouring Matter, or Ink, ejected by the Cuttle Fish.1847Carpenter Zool. §880 A very singular secreting organ, which, in the dibranchiate Cephalopods, produces an abundance of a black liquor, commonly termed its ink.1861Hulme tr. Moquin-Tandon ii. iii. ii. 82 A black liquid known as the Ink of the Cuttlefish..The pigment..known as Roman Sepia, is obtained from this black liquid.
II. attrib. and Comb.
2. General combinations:
a. attributive, as ink-drop, ink fever (nonce-word), ink-line, ink-stain;
b. objective, as ink-carrying, ink-distributing, ink-dropping, ink-wasting adjs., ink-maker;
c. instrumental, as ink-blurred, ink-spotted, ink-stained, ink-written adjs.;
d. similative, as ink-black, ink-blue, ink-coloured, ink-purple, adjs.; also ink-like adj.; ink-shine v. (nonce-word);
e. (in Chinese calligraphy, etc.) ink-brush, ink-painting, ink-sketch, ink-squeeze, ink-stick, ink-study.
1599Marston Sco. Villanie i. iii. 183 What Academick starued Satyrist..with *inke-black fist, Would tosse each muck-heap, for some outcast scraps?1897M. Kingsley W. Africa 298 Looking blankly at a lake of ink-black slime.
1963Times 16 Feb. 11/6 Baby *ink-blue mussel shells arranged in flower-like clusters with sprays of dried seaweeds in between.1971Guardian 14 Dec. 9/2 In black, tan, bottle green, honey, and ink blue.
1951R. Firth Elem. Social Organiz. v. 164 A traditional Chinese painter works with a definite theory about the use of the *ink⁓brush.
1875Knight Dict. Mech. 1188/1 The endwise motion of the *ink-distributing rollers.
a1847Eliza Cook Room of Household ii, The *ink-drop may fall.
a1649Drummond of Hawthornden Poems Wks. (1711) 16/1 To deadly cypress, and *ink-dropping firrs; Your palms and mirtles change.
1922T. E. Lawrence Home Lett. (1954) 355 This long-drawn-out battle over my narrative of the campaigns of Feisal has put an *ink fever into me. I find myself always going about trying to fit words to the sights & sounds in the world outside me.
1605Sylvester Du Bartas ii. iii. iii. Law 552 With *Ink-like Rheum the dull Mists' drouzy vapours Quench their home Fires.1933W. de la Mare Fleeting 49 Whose waters..ink-like, ebon,..flow.
1731W. Halfpenny Perspective 24 Then draw the *Ink Lines..which represents the Top of the Wall.
1598Florio, Inchiostraro,..an *inke-maker.1714Mandeville Fab. Bees (1733) I. 333 The ink-makers..would..offer to choak me with astringents, or drown me in the black liquor.1805Mod. London 443 Inkmakers, stationers, papermakers.
1925R. Fry Chinese Art 9 Many *ink-paintings ascribed to him [sc. Li Lung-mien] are extant, and a few may be originals.Ibid. Plate 9 (caption) Ink painting on silk.1954Oxf. Jun. Encycl. XII. 225/1 The greatest master of ink-painting [in Japan] was Sesshū (1420–1506).
1935E. Bowen House in Paris ii. vii. 159 Toppling *ink-purple clouds.
1922Joyce Ulysses 216 The jet beads of her mantilla *inkshining in the sun.
1906S. W. Bushell Chinese Art II. xiii. 136 She [sc. the Lady Kuan] was a clever painter of flowers and her rapid *ink sketches of peonies, prunus-flowers and orchids were admirable.1910Brit. Mus. Guide Exhib. Chinese & Japanese Paintings..in Print & Drawing Gallery 32 But the typical painting of the [Ashikaga] period was the ink-sketch of landscape, bird or flower.
1935Burlington Mag. Oct. 185/2 The illustrations are all line-blocks made from ‘rubbings’ (or, more correctly, ‘*ink squeezes’).
1819Pantologia s.v. Ink, Lemon-juice, and the juice of sorrel will also remove *ink-stains.
1857Eadie J. Kitto xii. (1861) 418 An *inkstained recluse.
1926F. B. Wiborg Printing Ink ii. 50 The Chinese never keep liquid ink... Many *ink-sticks are provided with a rounded notch at the lower end to secure a firmer hold for the finger, while the upper part to be rubbed is rounded.1935Chiang Yee Chinese Eye viii. 199 A certain Li T'ing-Kuei of the ‘Five dynasties’ period supplied all the leading calligraphists with ink-sticks, and he compounded them from ten parts of pine-smoke to three of powdered jade and one of gum.1939Burlington Mag. Jan. 47/1 Inksticks and experience in making inks.
1936Ibid. Nov. 236/1 Chinese *ink-studies.
1581Sidney Apol. Poetrie (Arb.) 71 All, that haue had the euill lucke to reade this *incke-wasting toy of mine.
3. In the names of vessels or receptacles for holding writing or printing ink, as ink-bottle, ink-box, ink-can, ink-case, ink-cup, ink-dish, ink-glass, ink-holder, ink-reservoir, ink-tin. Also ink-horn, -pot, -stand, -standish.
1583Hollyband Campo di Fior 333 Hoe boye, reache me that *inke-bottell.1711Budgell Spect. No. 77 ⁋9 He writes a Letter, and flings the Sand into the Ink-bottle; he writes a second, and mistakes the Superscription.1875A. R. Hope My Schoolboy Fr. 227 He dipped a large pen into his inkbottle.
1640Howell Dodona's Gr. (1645) 55 The secretary pour'd the *Ink-box all over the Writings.1851Illustr. Exhib. 489 The ductor-roller forms one side of an ink-box, from which, as it revolves, it withdraws a portion of ink.
1663Boyle Hist. Colours ii. Exp. ix, I have found pens blacked..when I had a while carried them about me in a silver *ink-case.
1886Stevenson Pr. Otto ii. xiii. 221 Give me the *ink-dish.
1680V. Alsop Misch. Imposit. 103 If the late change of Ink horns, into *Ink glasses, had but taught us how frail and brittle we all are.1806–7J. Beresford Miseries Hum. Life (1826) viii. xxiv, Emptying the ink-glass (by mistake for the sand-glass) on a paper which you have just written out fairly.
1703T. N. City & C. Purchaser 194, I saw him Sodder on bottoms to Leaden-stands, or *Ink-holders.1855Carlyle Prinzenraub 100 Standing in Luther's room, with Luther's poor old oaken table, oaken inkholder, still there.
1875Knight Dict. Mech. 1187/2 The *ink-reservoir of a printing-press from which the ink is taken by an ink-roller.1876Preece & Sivewright Telegraphy 73 The ink-reservoir should never be too full, otherwise the apparatus is apt to become clogged with ink.
4. a. Special combinations: ink-bag, the bladder-shaped sac in the cuttle-fish and related animals containing the ‘ink’: see 1 b above; ink-ball, (a) = ball n.1 13: see quot. 1884; (b) a kind of oak-gall employed in the manufacture of ink; ink-bench, the inking-table of a printing machine (Knight Dict. Mech. 1875); ink-block, in printing, a block or table on which the ink is spread, to be taken up by the rollers or ink-balls; ink-blot, a blot of ink; also fig., and attrib., esp. in ink-blot test Psychol., a projective test in which the subject's imaginative reactions to a random ink-blot shape are analysed and used as a guide to his personality; also ellipt. as ink-blot; ink-brayer = brayer2; ink-cap, a fungus of the genus Coprinus; ink-cylinder, an inking cylinder or roller in a printing machine; ink-dabbler, a scribbler; ink disease, a fungal disease caused by species of Phytophthora, esp. P. cambivora, affecting chestnut and occasionally other trees, making the surface of their roots and sometimes trunks a darker colour; ink-divine (see quot.); ink-duct, (a) the duct of a cephalopod's ink-bag; (b) = ink-trough; ink-eraser, a piece of prepared caoutchouc, or similar substance, used to erase writing in ink or blots; ink-feed, the duct which carries the ink to the nib of a fountain pen; also, the feeding of ink through this duct; ink-fish, a cuttle-fish or squid; ink-fountain = ink-trough; ink-gland = ink-bag; ink-jerker U.S., -spiller = ink-slinger; ink-knife, a blade for controlling the flow of ink from an ink-fountain, or for pressing down the ink; ink-man, the employee in a printing-office who prepares the ink for use; ink-mirror, a surface of ink used in clairvoyance in place of a crystal; ink-mushroom, a mushroom of the genus Coprinus; ink-nut = myrobalan; ink-pad, an inking-pad; ink-pencil, a pencil filled with a composition possessing some of the qualities of ink; ink-plant, the European shrub Coriaria myrtifolia, or New Zealand species C. thymifolia; ink-powder, the powdered ingredients of ink; ink-printing, the process of making photographic prints in common ink; ink-roller, an inking-roller; ink-root, the root of the American sea-lavender or marsh-rosemary (Statice Limonium); ink-sac = ink-bag; ink-saucer, a dark mark (beneath the eye); ink-slab, (a) the slate or stone slab of an ink-table; (b) a container for ink; spec. in the Far East, a slab on which ink is mixed ready for writing; ink-slice, a broad knife or paddle used for handling printer's ink; ink-slinger (orig. U.S.), a contemptuous appellation for a professional writer, esp. a reckless writer in the newspaper press; so ink-slinging; ink-spot, (a) a stain of ink; (b) a dark spot on the skin; ink-stone, (a) native copperas or iron-sulphate, used in making ink, (b) a slab of stone or slate on which Indian ink is prepared for use by rubbing; ink-surface, a surface serving as an ink-table; ink-table, in a printing-press, the table or slab on which the ink is distributed by the roller; ink-tippler (nonce-wd.), one who is constantly using ink, a writer; ink-trough, the reservoir containing the ink in a printing machine; ink-value, the equivalent in a black-and-white print of a colour in a painting; ink-wash Japanese Painting (see wash n. 4 b); ink weed Austral. and N.Z., a perennial herb of the genus Phytolacca, which bears black berries containing a reddish juice (= poke n.4 2 a); ink-well (see quots.); ink-wood, the tree Hypelate paniculata, found in S. Florida and the W. Indies; ink-writer, a telegraph instrument which records messages in ink.
1835–6Todd Cycl. Anat. I. 536 The *ink-bag probably attains its largest proportional size in the genus Sepiola.1873Dawson Earth & Man ix. 224 The Belemnite..had ink-bags provided with that wonderfully divided pigment, inimitable by art.
1884Southward Pract. Print. (ed. 2) 385 The Printer's *Ink Ball, which is now very seldom used, consists of a semi-globular pad, coated with composition.1888Century Mag. XXXVI. 765 The juice of poke-berries, compounded with vinegar, or the distillation of a vegetable product known as ‘ink balls’, usurped the place of ink.
1688R. Holme Armoury ii. iii. 56 Brayer, is a round wooden Rubber..used in the *Inke-block to Bray and Rub Inke.1727–41Chambers Cycl. s.v. Printing, One of these [balls] the pressman takes in each hand, and applying them on the ink-block, to charge them with ink, he [etc.].1790Nicholson Specif. Patent, O is a cylinder faced with leather and lying across an ink-block.1841Savage Dict. Printing s.v. Ink Block, The introduction of rollers has superseded the use of the ink block, for which has been substituted an inking apparatus.
[a1500? Lydgate Lavenders 18 Wasshe withe wyne the fervente *ynkes blote.]1928J. J. B. Morgan Psychol. Abnormal People iv. 145 The Rorschach test is a special development of the ink-blot test. The ordinary ink-blot test has not yielded very significant results heretofore. Rorschach, some years ago, developed a series of ink⁓blots which have been more successful than those used previously.1931Psychol. Abstr. V. 268 An explanation of the use of the Rorschach ink-blot test as a measure of intelligence.1940R. S. Woodworth Psychol. (ed. 12) v. 151 A class of tests sometimes called the ‘fantasy tests’... Most used is the inkblot... A variety of things can be seen in such a blot.1955Publ. Amer. Dial. Soc. xxiv. 13 The interpretation given ink-blots by criminals reveals their unconscious motivations.1965Sun 20 May 2/2 American military planners are weighing up an ‘inkblot’ strategy to clear South Vietnam of Communist guerillas.1967E. Short Embroidery & Fabric Collage i. 28 Ink Blots and Dribbled Paint. These methods are not as haphazard as they would at first seem as the hand is guided to a great extent by one's intuitive sense of design.1968D. Rapaport et al. Diagn. Psychol. Testing (rev. ed.) ix. 272 From the perceptual point of view it appears that the Rorschach inkblots are ‘unstructured’ perceptual raw material.1972Jrnl. Social Psychol. Dec. 303 Human movement responses..may be interpreted as an index of social approach during the administration of an inkblot test.
1887Amer. Naturalist XXI. 553 *Ink⁓cap (species of Coprinus).1927Gwynne-Vaughan & Barnes Struct. & Devel. Fungi 301 The genus Coprinus, the ink cap, is one of the commonest forms with black spores.1963Lange & Hora Collins Guide Mushrooms & Toadstools 136 Coprinus—‘Ink caps’. Characterised in almost all species by the gradual ‘auto-digestion’ of the gills, and sometimes the cap, into a black ink-like fluid.
1894Brit. Printer VII. 346 Most rollers in the better machines are driven by the friction of the *ink cylinder.
1598B. Jonson Ev. Man in Hum. v. i, These paper-pedlars! these *ink-dabblers!
1923Rev. Appl. Mycol. II. 188 The so-called ‘*ink’ disease of chestnuts constitutes a serious damper to French sylviculture.1932Forestry VI. 182 The fungus causing the ink disease of chestnut, has a very wide distribution.1968F. G. Browne Pests & Dis. Forest Plantation Trees ii. 915 It [sc. Phytophthora cambivora] is one of the pathogens..associated with ink disease, a severe malady of Castanea.
1604S. Hieron Wks. I. 533 It is no matter, though the papists continue to call vs in scorne *inke-diuines, because of our close adhering to the holy text.
1835–6Todd Cycl. Anat. I. 530/1 Delicate fasciculi..intercept the termination of the..*ink-duct.1883W. Blades in Printers' Reg. 125/2 The ink-duct at the end, with its roller supplying a small but regular quantity of ink at each revolution.
1881Daily News 1 Mar. 5/1 However long you may boil the tender parts of camel, the plat..is no better than so much *ink-eraser.
1907Westm. Gaz. 23 Oct. 11/1 The Patent Spoon-Feed has successfully overcome the *ink-feed difficulty.1935Discovery Jan. 15/2 He must decide whether to alter the colour of the ink, its consistency, the rate of ink-feed.
1693Phil. Trans. XVII. 855 The Sleave or *Ink-fish, Lolligo.1752Sir J. Hill Hist. Anim. 97 The Ink-fish, or Cuttle-fish..when in danger of being taken, it emits a black liquor like ink out of it's mouth.
1875Knight Dict. Mech. 1798/2 The *ink-fountain and ink-distributing apparatus.
1851–6Woodward Mollusca 63 *Ink-gland always present.
1865Harper's Mag. 683/2 This rattle-brained scribbler, this miserable *ink-jerker.
1598Florio, Inchiostraro, an *inke-man, an inke-maker.1619Purchas Microcosmus lv. 522 The Printer seemes to muster a great many vnder him; the Founder, Grauer, Cutter, Inke-man, Paper-man, Corrector, Compositor, Presse-men, and others.
1905E. F. Benson Image in Sand ii, Abdul had..tried him with the simple experiment of the *ink⁓mirror, and found him extraordinarily sensitive.
1690Lond. Gaz. No. 2534/4 Holman's London *Ink-Powder,..being the best Ingredients for making the strongest and best black Writing Ink.1819Pantologia s.v. Ink, Ink powder..is nothing else than the substances employed in the composition of common ink, pounded and pulverised.
1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 307 It..remains for a short period in contact with the surface of the *ink-roller..thereby receiving a portion of ink upon its surface.1890W. J. Gordon Foundry 181 A series of distributing ink-rollers.
1884F. M. Crawford Rom. Singer I. 3 He had great black eyes, with *ink-saucers under them.
1890C. T. Jacobi Printing 288/2 *Ink slab, the table on which ink is distributed, either at press or machine.1895Montgomery Ward Catal. 210/2 Slate ink slabs... 5 inch square with heavy glass cover.1911Encycl. Brit. XXII. 354/2 A second..roller conveys the ink from this drum to the distributing table or ink slab.1938Burlington Mag. Aug. 90/2 The inkslabs and inkstones, so sought after by collectors.1963Kenneison & Spilman Dict. Printing 100 Ink slab, that part of certain printing presses, consisting of a large, flat, steel bed, from which the distributing rollers..take ink.1969Korean Folklore & Classics I. 23 He..picked up his teacher's ink-slab.
1884Southward Pract. Print. (ed. 2) 384 Where very large quantities of ink are required to be spread out on the table, an *ink slice is sometimes used.
1887W. Douglas Duelling Days in the Army 132 Every one on the Paris press seems ready..to fight any other *ink-slinger on the slightest provocation.1896Academy 7 Nov. 347/2 Only great critics, or impertinent ink slingers, would attempt to appraise their value.
1894Daily News 2 May 6/3 High⁓bred women who were not given to what modern Americans call ‘*ink-slinging’.1896Spectator 7 Nov. 619 There is..no picturesque ink-slinging, as the happy American phrase goes.
1881Punch 10 Sept. 110/2 To think people ain't got more savvy than what these *inkspillers enjoy.
1839Mag. Dom. Econ. IV. 214 *Ink-spots and other stains on silk.1897Allbutt's Syst. Med. II. 223 If a general erythema [in small-pox] be..accompanied by isolated ink spots it will certainly be fatal.
1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 307 The reciprocating motion of the carriage causes the *ink-table..to receive ink upon its surface from the elastic roller.1884Southward Pract. Print. (ed. 2) 467 As an ink-table for colour work there is nothing equal to white marble.1892Ibid. (ed. 4) 12 In ‘machines’..the ink table always adjoins the type bed, and the rollers are passed over it and on to the type mechanically.
1842Mrs. Gore Fascin. 120 Do I look like an old rat that has spent its days in gnawing the classics?.. Am I an *ink tippler? a college sizar?
1818E. Cowper in Savage Dict. Print. (1841) s.v. Inking Apparatus, The *ink trough is fixed at one edge of the table.1890W. J. Gordon Foundry 181 An ink-trough from which the roller..is lifted at every revolution.
1894Athenæum 22 Dec. 867/1 The rendering of what are called the *ink values of Mr. Beardsley's designs..must have been a matter of frequent difficulty.
1936Burlington Mag. Oct. 162/2 The spirited *ink-wash technique.
[1906T. F. Cheeseman Man. N.Z. Flora 1085 Phytolacca octandra... Ink-plant; Poke-weed.]1913N.Z. Dept. Agric. Jrnl. Agric. VII. 369 *Inkweed, or pokeweed (Phytolacca octandra), is a poisonous plant.1933Bulletin (Sydney) 15 Nov. 28/4 Inkweed is hard to burn or eradicate if it gets a hold.1962N. C. W. Beadle et al. Handbk. Vasc. Plants Sydney Distr. 160 Weed of waste ground. Introd. from Trop. Amer. Ink Weed. P[hytolacca] octandra.
1875Knight Dict. Mech. 1188/2 *Ink-well, an ink-cup adapted to occupy a hole in a desk.1876Preece & Sivewright Telegraphy 71 While it [the inking disc] just dips into the ink-well it also gently presses against the paper.
Ibid. 116 Wheatstone's system of automatic telegraphy is that which is used in England..the messages are recorded on an exceedingly delicate form of direct *ink-writer.1888T. Gray in Encycl. Brit. XXIII. 119/2 The form of instrument almost universally used in Europe makes the record in ink, and hence is sometimes called the ‘ink-writer’.

Add:[I.] [1.] c. Cheap red wine; = red ink n. 1. slang (chiefly U.S.).
1918R. W. Imbrie Behind Wheel of War Ambulance ix. 115 New men were apt to be confused by the talk... Wine was ‘ink’ and the cook ‘the Zouave’.1929Papers Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts & Lett. X. 301/2 Ink, wine. This use was restricted to red wine.1938New Yorker 12 Mar. 36/3 Wine is an aid to the hashish smoker and all the pads sell it—a cheap local ‘ink’.1945Baker Austral. Lang. 166 Here is a group of indigenous terms used to describe cheap wines: Africa speaks, bombo, Clever Mary, corrobbery water, ink, [etc.].1970C. Major Dict. Afro-Amer. Slang 69 Ink, cheap wine.

Add:[4.] [a.] ink cartridge, (a) = *cartridge n. 1 d iv; (b) any of various similar containers used in electronic typewriters, computer printers, etc.
1955Stationery Trade Rev. June 82/3 The Waterman C/F Pen... Ink always fresh. Each ink cartridge hermetically sealed with fresh Instant-Flo real ink.1978Oil & Gas Jrnl. 26 June 173/3 New Speedomax 165/250 Series one-pen and two-pen recorders are now available with either disposable ink cartridge or thermal inking system.1983Money May 194/1 Disdaining modern ink cartridges, the Diplomat has a manual plunger that siphons ink from a bottle into the reservoir.1983InfoWorld 21 Nov. 79/1 Atari's 1027 uses an ink cartridge instead of a ribbon.1992R S Components: Electronic & Electr. Products July–Oct. 115/1 A replacement ink cartridge, containing a specially formulated free flowing non-clogging ink, for the Epson SQ-2500 ink jet printer.
II. ink, n.2
Also 6 ynck, 6–7 inke.
[Origin unknown.]
1. orig. An iron cross set in the lower face of the upper millstone, and serving to poise it on the spindle which turns it; a mill-rind. As a charge in Her. = fer-de-moline; see also ink-molyne.
1572J. Bossewell Armorie iii. 20 b, The office of an Ynck Molyne, and to what purpose it serueth betwene the Myll stones, is, I thinke, knowne to moste men, but to Myllers especially, who in takinge theire tolle, forget oftentimes the Rule taught them by their myll ynck.1610J. Guillim Heraldry ii. vii. (1611) 70 Perhaps because it resembleth the Inke of a Mill which is evermore Pierced.1688R. Holme Armoury iii. 341/1 The Inke or Rinde of a Mill. Millers term it in English a Brandret or Mill Rinde.1727–41Chambers Cycl. s.v. Fer de Moulin, The iron-ink, or ink of a mill, which sustains the moving mill-stone.
2. In current use: see quot.
1875Knight Dict. Mech. 1019/2 Step or Ink, the socket which holds the toe of a vertical shaft or spindle.
III. ink, n.3
see inke.
IV. ink, n.4 Sc.|ɪŋk|
[var. of ing.]
pl. Low-lying grassland subject to flooding by spring tides. Also (in sing.) attrib.
a1692A. Symson Large Descr. Galloway (1823) 138 Down the river, about a mile from the Church..a large plott of fine fir-planting, over-looking a rich ink ground.1802Farmer's Mag. Aug. 331 Eighty acres..consisted of a rich sea marsh, or inks, as we call them here, almost a true level,..about 4 or 5 acres,..16 inches lower, being a younger marsh, and nothing but what we call ink grass growing upon it.1824J. Mactaggart Gallovid. Encycl. 280 Inks. On muddy, level shores,..pieces of land over⁓flowed with spring tides, and not touched by common ones..; on these grow a coarse kind of grass.1848Scottish Jrnl. Topogr. II. 234/1 Spurlings to net in the inks of the Cree.1899Galloway Advertiser 27 July 1/3 Extent, 240 acres or thereby of Carse Land of excellent quality, together with a very large extent of ‘Inks’ or Shore Pasture.1974Scottish Field Apr. 15/4 Some of the sunsets especially, behind the Inks and Wigtown Sands, are as fine as you can see anywhere.
V. ink, v.|ɪŋk|
Also 6 enk.
[f. ink n.1]
1. a. trans. To mark, stain, or smear with or as with ink.
1562Pilkington Expos. Abdyas Pref. Aa vij b, Enking their hands in bloude.1718Lady M. W. Montagu Let. to Lady Rich 16 Mar., You may..send letters of passion, friendship..or even of news, without ever inking your fingers.1755Johnson, To Ink, to black or daub with ink: as, his face is all over inked.1838Dickens Nich. Nick. viii, There were a couple of long, old, rickety desks, cut and notched, and inked, and damaged in every possible way.1865Mrs. Whitney Gayworthys iii. (1879) 39 Grasping the pen close down toward the nib and inking himself profusely.
b. To cover (types, etc.) with ink in order to print from them.
1727–41Chambers Cycl. s.v. Printing, The plate sufficiently inked, they first wipe it coarsely over with a foul rag.1819Pantologia s.v. Printing, The cylinder A returns empty, and the cylinder B inked.1841Penny Cycl. XIX. 18/2 One [man] to ink the types.1890W. J. Gordon Foundry 190 He seized the semi-liquid glue and with it inked a forme.
2. With adverbs, as ink in (or ink over), to go over or trace in ink (lines previously drawn in pencil); ink out, to obliterate with ink; ink up, to cover completely with ink. Also fig.
1803Lett. Miss Riversdale I. 319 The Prince took down the notes in pencil..and promised to ink them over for Lady Belfont.1845Athenæum 18 Jan. 71 The impression is inked up with rollers and printed from in the usual manner of surface-printing.1881Bibliographer Dec. 8/1 The separate 1525 device..with the objectionable motto inked out.1884Southward Pract. Print. (ed. 2) 398 If the roller has been inked up, it must be carefully scraped with a blunt knife before being used again.1886N. Zealand Herald 28 May 3/7 Finished drawings, inked in and elaborately coloured.1892Ld. Rosebery in Daily News 16 Mar. 3/2 The equity of the case will be met if Mr. Campbell retires with the scrutineers and inks over his pencil.1929A. C. & C. Edington Studio Murder Myst. iii. 23 It was inked into his mind's eye, so that even when he shut his eyes..he could not shut out that awful picture.1952C. Day Lewis tr. Virgil's Aeneid iii. 59 A streaming night inked out The sky.1959Times 26 Jan. 6/1 The Yeames is a picture surely so inked into the national memory that it would need more than condemnation of its taste to eradicate it.
Hence inked |ɪŋkt|, ppl. a.
1790Nicholson Specif. Patent, This motion causes the cylinder B to revolve continually, and consequently to render its inked surface very uniform, by the action of its distributing rollers.1851Thackeray Eng. Hum. v. (1876) 316 With inked ruffles, and claret stains on his tarnished lace coat.1890W. J. Gordon Foundry 216 The hardened gelatin is bitten away on each side of the inked lines.

Add:3. To conclude (a business deal) by signing a contract; hence, to sign (a contract). Also, to obtain the services of (someone) under contract. slang (chiefly Cinematogr. and Sport). orig. U.S.
1940Variety 18 Dec. 5/5 William A. Seiter inked a deal to produce and direct two features for Universal.1951Ibid. 19 Sept. 33/4 Barry Gray's chatter stanza on WMCA, N.Y. has inked nine sponsors to start this month.1951St. Louis (Missouri) Post-Dispatch 23 Sept. 1B/1 If Dizzy inked the thing, all was to be forgiven and the incident forgotten.1968G. Vidal Myra Breckinridge xlii. 262 He promptly inked a multiple nonexclusive contract with Universal.1975Observer 6 Jan. 17/1 The contract safely inked, I was interviewed at some length.1988Basketball Scene Ann. 94/3 Rice signed guards Will Strickland and Dana Hardy while TCU inked guards Tony Edmond and Kelvin Crawford.1991Rage 13 Feb. 19/1 Signed to Situation 2..purely on the strength of a demo tape—they actually inked the deal before they had played their first gig.

Add:2. Intoxicated, drunk. Austral. slang.
1898Bulletin (Sydney) 1 Oct. 14/3 To have a whisky is to ‘oil up’;..to get drunk is to get ‘inked’.1918Aussie Oct. 11/2 Digger (rescued by cobbers in an inked condition): ‘Hey, cobber—hic—'old on a bit.’1947N. Lindsay Halfway to Anywhere 181 Are you on for getting properly stonkered on beer?.. How much you got for buying enough to get inked on?1969P. A. Smith Folklore Austral. Railwaymen 85 Driver found well and truly inked and lying down to it.

