
单词 garron
释义 I. garron1, garran|ˈgærən|
Forms: 6–9 garran, (6 garrant, 6–7 garon, 7 guarrent, garroon(e, 7, 9 garrone, 7–8 gerran, 8–9 girran), 6– garron.
[a. Gael. gearran, Irish gearrán.]
A small and inferior kind of horse bred and used chiefly in Ireland and Scotland.
1540St. Papers Hen. VIII, III. 169 That the saide Fergananym shall pay yerely to our Soverayne Lorde the Kyng for every horse, mare, garrant, kowe, oxe, and bull..4d Irishe.1586J. Hooker Chron. Irel. in Holinshed II. 156/2 His cariage horsses (which they terme garons) waxed faint.1601Holland Pliny I. 466 Horses, Mules, and such laboring garrons.1633Stafford Pac. Hib. (1821) ii. 39 Three thousand Mares and Gerrans.1672Petty Pol. Anat. (1691) 41 The Footmanship..is..almost quite lost..everyman now keeping a small Garran to ride on.1735–6Carte Ormonde I. 405 Men..whose horses were most of them no better than garrons.1792A. Young Trav. France 209, I thought..that the Irish garrans had no rivals on the globe.1846McCulloch Acc. Brit. Empire (1854) I. 299 Neither carts nor any other sort of carriage could be used, the whole inter⁓course of the country being carried on by means of Highland ponies or garrons.1891R. Kipling Light that failed ii, The seediest, weediest Egyptian garron offered for sale in Cairo or Alexandria.
attrib.1681Dineley Jrnl. Tour Irel. in Trans. Kilkenny Archæol. Soc. Ser. ii. I. 175 The guarrent horses many going without shoos.1792A. Young Trav. France 85 That province [Bretagne] is infested in every stable with a pack of garran poney stallions, sufficient to perpetuate the miserable breed that is every where seen.1865Carlyle Fredk. Gt. xiii. xiii. V. 127 Thick-soled peasants..mount your garron plough-horses.
Hence ˈgarronly a., resembling the garron (breed).
1737Bracken Farriery Impr. (1757) II. 58 Our ugly, crooked, garronly Breed.
II. garron2|ˈgærən|
Also 6 Sc. garrown, garrone, garoun, 7 Sc. garroun.
[? a. ONF. *garron = OF. jarron branch of a tree.]
1. Sc. ? A beam of wood. Obs.
1543Aberdeen Reg. V. 18 (Jam.) Greit treis, rwif sparris, garrownis.1554–5in Burgh Recs. Edinb. (1871) II. 307 Item, for uther thre garronis coft fra Robert Gray to be hand spaikkis vjs.1612Bk. Customs in Halyburton's Ledger (1867) 308 Garrones, single the hundreth xii. li., dowble the hundreth xxiiii li.1615in Pitcairn Crim. Trails III. 276 Dang at his hall dur with ane garroun.
2. (More fully garron-nail.) A kind of large nail.
1552–3in Burgh Recs. Edinb. (1871) II. 276 Item vijxx garrone nalis thairto ixs.1833Loudon Encycl. Cottage Archit. §1072 The rafters to be..chacked and spiked together with double garron nails.

