
单词 dingthrift
释义 dingthrift Obs.|ˈdɪŋθrɪft|
[f. ding v.1 + thrift.]
A spendthrift, a prodigal.
1567Drant Horace' Sat. i. (R.), Wilte thou therefore, a drunkard be A ding thrift and a knaue?1579E. Hake Newes Powles Churchyarde E ij b, That gallowes should such Dingthrifts recompence.1624Sanderson Serm. (1632) 494 The Ding-thrifts proverbe is, Lightly come, lightly goe.1681W. Robertson Phraseol. Gen. (1693) 1160 The spendthrift or dingthrift had spent that money also.
attrib.1597–8Bp. Hall Sat. iv. v. 59 The ding-thrift heire, his shift-got summe mispent.
2. The name of an obsolete game.
1312in Mem. Ripon II. 72 Will. Pistor de Rypon..fuit inventor..cujusdam ludi pestiferi et a jure reprobati, qui in vulgari dicitur Dyngethryftes. [1887Academy 3 Sept. 147/3.]
Hence ˈdingthrifty a., prodigal, wasteful.
1655R. Younge Agst. Drunkards 3. What may the many millions of these ding-thrifty dearth-makers consume.

