
单词 ayont
释义 aˈyond, aˈyont, prep. dial.
[f. a- prefix 2 + yond; cf. beyond, and the double forms afore, before, etc. (Ayont is the mod. Scotch and north. Eng. dial. form.)]
Beyond, on the other side of.
1724A. Ramsay Tea-T. Misc. (1733) I. 84 Down ayont the ingle he sat.1803–49J. C. Mangan Poems (1859) 375 Ayond the gloom of thy sunken cell.1826J. Wilson Noct. Ambr. Wks. 1855 I. 145 The flock are ayont the knowes.1837Marryat Dog Fiend xix, I went out to the Nab buoy, and a mile ayond it.1855in Whitby Glossary.

