
单词 rouning
释义 I. ˈrouning, vbl. n. Obs.
Also 1 runung, 3 runing, roning; 4–6 rounyng(e, 5 rounn-, rovn-); 4–6 rownyng(e, 5 rowyn-), 5–6 rowning(e, 6 rowening). See also rounding vbl. n.2
[f. OE. rúnian, ME. rounen: see round v.2]
Whispering; private conversation or consultation, etc.
c1000ælfric Hom. (ed. Assmann) vi. 161 Hi..on synderlicum runungum þæt riht eall ræddon.c1205Lay. 14070 He wolde wið þan kinge holden runinge.c1275― 3249 Þe Scottene king and þe duk..mid hire stille rouning nemen heom to reade.13..K. Alis. 7604 (Laud MS.), After þis queynt rounyng Alisaunder spedde in þis doyng.c1384Chaucer H. Fame iii. 1960 And ouer alle the houses Angles Ys ful of rovnynges.c1450tr. De Imitatione iii. i. 64 Blessid be þo eres þat receyueþ of goddys rounynge, & takiþ non hede of þe rounyng of þis worlde.c1475in Babees Bk. (1868) 4 Withe-oute lowde lauhtere or Iangelynge, Rovnynge, Iapynge, or other Insolence.1533More Apol. 240 Castyng abrode a suspicyouse bablynge, of gatheryng, and assemblynge, and rownynge, and talkynge.
II. ˈrouning, ppl. a. Obs.
Also 1 runiende, 4 rownande, rownende.
[Cf. prec.]
Whispering, murmuring.
c1050Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 441 Musitantes, þa runiendan.13..E.E. Allit. P. A. 112 Swangeande swete þe water con swepe, Wyth a rownande rourde raykande aryȝt.1382Wyclif Ecclus. xxi. 31 The rownende grucchere shal defoule his soule.
Hence ˈrouningly adv., in a whisper. Obs.
c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 328 Sum confessioun is made to man, and þat may be on many maneres; outher opynly & generaly..or priuely & rownyngly.1406Hoccleve La Male Regle 172 Cloos kepte I me; no man durste I depraue But rownyngly; I spak no thyng on highte.

