
单词 crespine
释义 crepine, crespin(e Obs.
Also 6 crispyne, krippin, creppin, 6–7 crippin.
[a. OF. crespine, mod.F. crépine (Pr. crespina), f. crespe, crêpe: see crêpe, crape.]
1. a. A net or caul (of gold or silver thread, silk lace, etc.) for the hair, formerly worn by ladies. b. A part of a hood. c. A fringe of lace or network for a dais, baldachin, bed, etc.
c1532G. Du Wes Introd. Fr. in Palsgr. 907 The crispynes, les crespines.1566W. Adlington Apuleius ii. ix. (1596) 25 Diuers (..to shew their grace and feature) wil cast off their partlets, collars, habilimentes, frontes, cornets and krippins.1578Gifts to Queen in Nichols Progr. II. 73 By the Lady Ratclif, five creppins of lawne.1592Lyly Mydas i. ii, Earerings, borders, crippins, shadowes.1611Cotgr., Crespine, the Crepine of a French hood.1662J. Davies tr. Mandelslo's Trav. E. Ind. 64 On their heads they [Guzuratta women] have onely a thin cap, or cover them with a crepine of Lawn wrought with Gold.1708Motteux Rabelais iv. lii. (1737) 214 The Crepines of their Hoods, their Ruffles.1721C. King Brit. Merch. II. 230 Beds, Matrasses, Hangings, Coverlids, Quilts, Crespins, Fringes, and Molets of Silk.1860Fairholt Costume Gloss., Crespine, the golden net-caul worn by ladies in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries..The crespine still exists in name and fact in Italy.
2. Cookery. See quot. [Cf. F. crépine the caul enveloping the viscera of an animal.]
1726Dict. Rust. (ed. 3) Crepine, a sort of farce wrapp'd up in a Veal cawl.

