
单词 sundriness
释义 ˈsundriness Obs. or rare.
Forms: Sc. 4–5 syndrynes, sindrynes(s; 6 sondrinesse, soundry-, sundrynes.
[f. sundry a. + -ness. Cf. sunderness.]
Diversity, variety; occas. a variety of things.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xli. (Agnes) 27 Of fele vertuse with syndrynes he clethis þame.c1425Wyntoun Cron. viii. xvi. 2443 Qwha skalis his thoucht in syndrynes [v.r. sindrynes], In althynge it is þe les.a1450Ratis Raving i. 835 Misknawlege of ȝouthed, The quhilk has mekle syndrynes Tyll wnderstand.1548Geste Agst. Priv. Masse E iv b, They were dyuersly respected of god in consyderation of the soundrynes betwixt ye offerers.1563Baldwin in Mirr. Mag. ii. To Rdr. L ij b, The dyuersytye of braynes in divisyng, is lyke the sundrynes of beastes in engendryng.1878W. Barnes Outl. Eng. Speech-Craft 86 The goodness of a speech should be sought in..its fulness of words for all things and time-takings which come, with all their sundrinesses, under the minds of men of the speech, in their common life.

