
单词 huisher
释义 huisher, husher now as Fr. huissier, n.|ɥisje|
Forms: 4–5 huscher, 5 hoschere, 5–6 huissher(e, hussher(e, 6–7 husher, huisher, 7 hushier, 7– huissier. See also usher.
[a. OF. huisier, huscier, mod.F. huissier, f. h)uis door:—pop. L. *ūstium for ostium door.]
= usher.
13..Sir Tristr. 632 Þe huscher bad him fle.c1400Apol. Loll. 36 Þei schal be huscheris & portars.1426Lydg. Pilgr. Life Man (E.E.T.S.) 2809 That I myghte ben an huissher, Or at the gate a porter.1464Mann. & Househ. Exp. (Roxb.) 277 To ij. of the gentelmen hoscheres.1502Privy Purse Exp. Eliz. of York (1830) 71 Arnolde Chollerton yeoman huisshere.1571Lett. Lit. Men (Camden) 65 Ryc' Marlow..will not tary here as hussher and teache wrytinge.1600Holland Livy xxiv. xliv. 539 His sergeants or huishers [lictores] marching afore.c1611Beaum. & Fl. 4 Plays in One Induct., Prologues are hushiers bare before the wise.1627R. Ashley Almansor 10 An Huissier of his Chamber.1649Jer. Taylor Gt. Exemp. i. v. 153 When..hatred of idolatry is the huisher of Sacriledge.1653H. Cogan tr. Pinto's Trav. xliv. 173 Four Hushers..with Battouns headed with iron went before him.1837J. F. Cooper Europe II. 185 (Stanf.) The huissier..announced the wife of an ambassador.1849J. A. Carlyle Dante, Inferno 70 note, The Huissiers which Benvenuto Cellini heard.
Hence huisher v. trans., to usher, precede.
1606Holland Sueton. 8 A public officer called Accensus should huisher him before and the Serjeants or Lictours follow after behinde.

