
单词 staling
释义 I. ˈstaling, n. Obs. rare—1.
[f. stale n.3 + -ing1.]
= stale n.3 1.
1601Deacon & Walker Spirits & Divels 230 [Like to] the craftie bird-catcher: who (while the silie poore birdes sit prying at, and playing with the whirligig, or staling before them) doth cunningly clap them..in his net.
II. staling, vbl. n.|ˈsteɪlɪŋ|
[f. stale v.1 + -ing1.]
The action of urinating; concr. urine, esp. of horses or cattle.
c1420Prose Life Alexander (1913) 68 Sum ware at so grete meschefe þat þay dranke þaire awen stalynge.1601Holland Pliny viii. xlii. I. 222 Their [mares'] staling is no hinderance to their pace in running their carriere, as it doth the horse who must needs then stand still.1613Purchas Pilgrimage (1614) 311 A fountaine of water, which they say, sprang vp of the staling of Chederles horse.1765Museum Rust. IV. 185 That the staling of them [cattle] may not waste in its course.1846J. Baxter Libr. Pract. Agric. (ed. 4) I. 327 Mix a small quantity of salt with the food when feeding on furze, particularly for horses, as it..will sometimes affect their staling, which the salt will counteract.
attrib.1759Brit. Chron. 14 Sept. 261 The prisoner..has for many years been noted for begging at the staling-place for horses [Ann. Reg. (1759) 117/1 staling places].
III. staling, ppl. a. Bot.|ˈsteɪlɪŋ|
[f. stale v.2 + -ing2.]
Of fungal products: diverting or inhibiting fungal growth.
1916A. H. Graves in Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. VI. 326 The problem was now to obtain..this substance, which we may for convenience call the ‘staling substance’, free from mycelium.1948Nature Mar. 422/2 A similar effect is obtained when the metabolism of the latter [sc. a wound parasite of a plant] leads to the formation of substances (‘staling substances’) which by and by inhibit growth; hence the formation of lesions of limited size.1979Experientia XXXV. 200/2 This may possibly be due to reduction of growth of both interacting colonies caused by diffused staling products.

