
单词 slipperness
释义 ˈslipperness Obs.
Also 1 slipor-, 5 sliper-, slipir-, 5–6 slypper-, 6 sleper-.
[f. slipper a.]
Slipperiness, in lit. or fig. senses.
(a)a1000Durham Hymn. (Surtees) 36 Beon ut anydde..slipornysse.1401Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 99 Writyng was ordeyned for slipernes of mynde.c1412Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 941, I fynde schal as frendly slipirnesse As tho men now doon, whos frendeschipe is rote.1533More Apol. xlviii. Wks. 925/1 Of a lightnesse of wit and slippernesse of tonge.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 193 b, The disceiptefullnes, uncertentye, & slyppernes of woordly thynges.1590Greene Mourning Garment Wks. (Grosart) IX. 206 All his affects are slippernesse, and the effects full of preiudiciall disparagement.
(b)1398Trevisa Barth. De. P.R. vii. l. (Bodl. MS.), Also þe wombe is igreued wiþ slidernes and slipernes.1495Ibid. xi. ii. (W. de W.) 385 Wynde..wypyth of slyppernesse and vnclennesse.1519W. Horman Vulg. 37, I felle with slepernesse of the stayre.1539Eliot Cast. Helthe (1541) 24 Gourdes, by reason of the slypperness of their substance, lyghtly passe forth by the bealye.1609Bible (Douay) Ps. xxxiv. 6 Let their way be made darkenesse and slippernes.

