
单词 colletic
释义 colletic, a. and n. ? Obs.|kɒˈlɛtɪk|
[ad. late L. collētic-us or its original Gr. κολλητικός agglutinant, f. κολλᾶν to glue.]
A. adj. Having the property of joining as with glue; agglutinant.
B. n. An agglutinant.
[1669Rowland tr. Schroder's Chym. Disp. 39 Colletica are such as Glew.]1715Kersey, Colleticks, Medicines that are of a gluing, or closing Faculty.1751Chambers Cycl., Colletics, Among colletics are ranked litharge, aloes, myrrh, etc.1882in Syd. Soc. Lex.

