
单词 supra
释义 supra, adv., (a.), prep.|ˈs(j)uːprə|
[L. suprā adv. and prep. (see next).]
A. adv.
1. = above A. 4; previously, before (in a book or writing). Also in L. phr. ut supra = as above. (Abbreviated sup.)
[c1440Promp. Parv. 355/2 Nyggarde (or muglard, supra, or nygun, or pynchar, infra), tenax.]1526in Exch. Rolls Scot. XV. 273 note, The said pensioun of fourty pundis to the said maister Walter,..quhill he be promovit be ws to benefice ut supra.1616R. Cocks Diary (Hakl. Soc.) I. 100, 10 cattis tobaco to hym selfe, cost as supra.1668in Extr. St. Papers rel. Friends Ser. iii. (1912) 279 The book called The sandy Foundation Shaken, of the same date, ut supra.1753Chambers' Cycl. Suppl. s.v. Leaf, Villose Leaf. See Pilose Leaf, supra.1861Paley æschylus (ed. 2) Supplices 953 note, On the metre of this verse see supra 7.
2. = above A. 7; in addition, further; more.
1592Nashe Strange Newes H 2, Was sinne so vtterly abolished with Tarltons play of the seuen deadly sins, that ther could be nothing said supra of that argument?1778Stiles Diary 24 Sept. (1901) II. 302 Mr. Beers æt. 60 & supra.
B. adj. Additional, extra. Obs.
1598Barret Theor. Warres iv. iv. 115 The which being not aduertised that they be any supra Round, he is bound to giue the word to none but only vnto the Sentinell.1773Ann. Reg., Chron. 89/1 To defray the supra charge of coinage.
C. prep. in phr. supra protest [ad. It. sopra protesto ‘upon protest’]: see quots. and protest n. 2.
1809R. Langford Introd. Trade 22 After a bill has been protested, it is sometimes accepted by a third party, for the purpose of saving the reputation of a drawer or of an endorser. Such an acceptance is called an acceptance ‘Supra Protest’.1847B. F. Foster Counting-ho. Assist. 87 Payment supra protest.Ibid. 99 The acceptor supra protest is bound to notify without delay his acceptance to the person for whose honor it was made.

