
单词 hail-fellow
释义 hail-fellow, a. (adv.), n.
[The familiar greeting or accost ‘Hail, fellow!’ (now obs. or arch.), used as a descriptive expression, in various grammatical constructions.
1589Nashe Ded. to Greene's Menaphon (Arb.) 16 Their best lovers would bee much discontented, with the collation of contraries, if I should write over al their heads, Haile fellow well met.]
A. adj. On such terms, or using such freedom with another, as to accost him with ‘hail, fellow!’; on a most intimate footing; over familiar or unduly intimate.
1580Lyly Euphues (Arb.) 371 Where diddest thou learne that..being suffered to be familiar thou shouldest waxe haile fellowe?1688Ld. Delamere Wks. (1694) 26 Let not your Servants be over-familiar or haile fellow with you.1824Scott Redgauntlet ch. xv, All's hail-fellow, here.1886T. Hardy Mayor Casterbr. II. ii. 20 He crossed the room to her..with something of a hail-fellow bearing.
b. So the fuller phrase hail fellow well met.
1581G. Pettie Guazzo's Civ. Conv. iii. (1586) 171 The maister ..being as you say haile fellow well met with his servant.1586J. Hooker Girald. Irel. in Holinshed II. 105/2 He..placed himselfe..hard at the earle of Ormond his elbow, as though he were haile fellow well met.1642Rogers Naaman 463 Gentlemen will be haile fellow well met with Jesters.1888Rider Haggard Col. Quaritch I. i. 4 He was popular..though not in any hail-fellow-well-met kind of way.1888Graphic Summer No. 12/3 His hail-good-fellow-well-met shake of the hand.
B. adv. On most intimate terms.
1670Eachard Cont. Clergy 74 The multitude did not go hail fellow well met with Him.1771Smollett Humph. Cl. I. 26 Apr. Let. i, You see the highest quality and the lowest trades-folk jostling each other, without ceremony, hail-fellow well met.1847L. Hunt Men, Women, & B. (1876) 91 Palavering rascals, who come, hail-fellow-well-met.
C. n. Obs.
1. An intimate or familiar associate.
1650R. Stapylton Strada's Low C. Warres ii. 36 It brings men, now hail-fellows with God.
2. The state or footing of intimate friends.
1684J. Goodman Winter-Evening Confer. 46 The Master and Servant are at Hail Fellow.a1687Cotton Poet. Wks. (1765) 107 This Youth hail Fellow with me made.

