
单词 whush
释义 I. whush, v. Now dial.
[Imitative: cf. whish v.1]
intr. To make a soft rushing sound, as wind, flowing water, waves, etc.; to move with such a sound. (Cf. hush v.3) Chiefly in vbl. n. and ppl. a.
1581A. Hall Iliad ii. 23 When as the westerne winde doth meete a field of graine,..& cause the eares to whush.Ibid. iv. 72 As the waues within the sea..yeelds whushing noise.1856Dickens An Ordeal vi. in Househ. Words 12 Apr. 299/2 A ‘whushing’ music, as of distant waves.1861‘Holme Lee’ Adv. Tuflongbo i. 3 The whushing and whispering amongst the trees.
II. whush
Sc. var. hush n.3
III. whush
obs. or n. dial. var. hush a. and v.1
1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. John xxi. 12–15 The disciples sate downe, but all whusht and spake no wordes.

