
单词 œconomus
释义 œconomus Hist.|iːˈkɒnəməs|
Also 6 Sc. economus, iconymus, yconomus, -nimus.
[L., a. Gr. οἰκονόµος house-steward.]
The steward or manager of the temporalities of a religious foundation or society; the steward of a college.
1584in Life A. Melville (1819) I. 481 Discharging..all vders economus, intrometters, factors or vder personis whatsoever.1592Sc. Acts Jas. VI (1814) III. 589/1 Ludouick, duke of lennox commendater of þe priorie of sanctandrois and his yconomus.1599Ibid. IV. 189/1 That thair salbe..ane counsall of that vniuersitie [St. Andrews]..quhilkis salhaif poware to haif the yconimus in euerie colledge.1659Baxter Key Cath. ii. iii. 404 Christ Jesus, dispensing them all by himself and administering them severally, not by any one oeconomus, but by the several Bishops as inferiour Heads.1725tr. Dupin's Eccl. Hist. 17th C. I. ii. iii. 41 All the Alms, and all the Revenues..were kept in common, under the Care of the Deacons, and Oeconomi.1854Milman Lat. Chr. I. 373 A steward or œconomus must be appointed in each church.

