
单词 intercession
释义 I. intercession, n.|ɪntəˈsɛʃən|
[ad. L. intercessiōn-em, n. of action f. intercēdĕre to intercede. Cf. F. intercession (Godef. Compl.).
Sense 1 does not occur in ancient L.; it is found in F. from 15th c.]
1. The action of interceding or pleading on behalf of (rarely against) another; entreaty, solicitation, or prayer for another; mediation.
1534Tindale Rom. xi. 2 What the scripture sayth by the mouth of Helias, how he maketh intercession to God agaynst Israel.1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII 141 b, I will send to the kyng, and make humble intercession for your pardon.1588D. Rogers in Ellis Orig. Lett. Ser. ii. III. 145 Certaine goodes..confiscated the day before I came, were by my quicke intercession all released.1659Willsford Scales Comm., Archit. 36, I will here interpose a few lines betwixt them and the copy, as an intercession for the Printer, who is less culpable.1725De Foe Voy. round World (1840) 79 It was upon my seeming intercession that he gave consent.1865Dickens Mut. Fr. i. viii, He came back to make intercession for his sister.
b. spec. in religious use: Intercessory prayer.
1508Dunbar Poems viii. 26 Pray now for him..And for his saull mak intercessioun Unto the Lord that hes him bocht so deir.1526Tindale Heb. vii. 25 He ever liveth to make intercession for vs.15341 Tim. ii. 1, I exhorte therfore that..prayers, supplicacions, intercessions, and gevynge of thankes be had for all men.1645Ussher Body Div. (1647) 350 We are also bound to pray like⁓wise for others; which kinde of prayer is called Intercession.1726Law Serious C. xxi, Intercession is a great and necessary part of christian Devotion.1782Priestley Corrupt. Chr. I. iv. 377 Justinian [made] use of the intercession of the virgin.1848R. I. Wilberforce Incarnation ix. (1852) 214 We are to address God only through Him whose Intercession as man is the ground of our hope.
c. Loosely used for a petition or pleading on one's own behalf. Obs.
1500–20Dunbar Poems xiii. 54 Thair cumis ȝung monkis..Thay ar so humill of intercessioun, All mercyfull wemen thair eirandis grantis.a1548Hall Chron. Hen. VII 45 b, He was content at his intercession to departe.1742Fielding J. Andrews iv. xv, Unbuttoning his coat at the intercession of the company.
II. In other senses, repr. ancient L. intercessio.
2. Rom. Hist. The action of interposing a veto: cf. intercede v. 1.
1573–80Baret Alv. I 202 To make Intercession, to let, intercedo.1747Middleton Rom. Senate 160 The general law of these intercessions was, that any magistrate might inhibit the acts of his equal, or inferior.1753Chambers Cycl. Suppl., Intercession,..was used in antient Rome, for the act of a tribune of the people, or other magistrate, by which he inhibited the acts of other magistrates; or even in the case of the tribunes, the decrees of the senate.1843Penny Cycl. XXV. 202/1 In this year [b.c. 394] we meet with the first instance of the intercession (veto) of one tribune rendering the resolution of his colleagues void.
3. A coming or existing among or between; interposition, intervention. Obs.
1605Timme Quersit. i. v. 20 Whose extreames, to wit, fixed and volatile, of the sulphurus salt or the niterus..are coupled together by intercession.1638Wilkins New World iii. (1707) 30 The Bones..and the Flesh..are not joined together but by the Intercession of Membranes.
4. Rom. Law. (See quot.)
1875Poste Gaius iii. (ed. 2) 399 Intercession is the assumption of liability for the debt of another person by negotiation or contract with his creditor.
5. = intercessation; intermission. Obs.
1572Latimer's Serm. Lord's Prayer iii. 8 We must call upon God without intercession.Serm. Lincoln iii. 87 We must pray at all times without intercession [ed. 1562 intermission in both cases].1661Except. agst. Liturgy 7 Whence are caused many unnecessary intercessions and abruptions.a1683Owen Expos. Heb. (1790) III. 394 There was an intercession of its administration for seventy years.
II. interˈcession, v. Obs. rare—1.
[f. prec. n.: cf. OF. intercessionner (Godef.).]
intr. To make intercession.
1593Nashe Christ's T. (1613) 49 Violently, eagerly haue I intercessioned vnto her, to gather herselfe vnto mee.

