
单词 oversile
释义 overˈsile, v. Obs. Chiefly Sc.
Also 6 -syle.
[f. over- 8, 1 (b) + sile, syle, obs. forms of ceil v.]
1. trans. To cover over; to conceal, hide.
a1510Douglas K. Hart ii. xxxix, My solace sall I sleylie thus oursyle [rimes begyle, quhyle].1535Stewart Cron. Scot. I. 359 Wodis wyld, And ron and roche with mony rammall ouirsyld.1584Hudson Du Bartas' Judith i. in Sylvester's Wks. (1621) 695 Ere I my malice cloke or oversile.
2. To obscure or dim the physical or mental sight; hence, to blind mentally, delude, beguile.
c1560A. Scott Poems (S.T.S.) iii. 40 Be the wy that all the warld wrocht, Maist witt hes hie that moniest owrsylis.a1584Montgomerie Cherrie & Slae 418 Fuil-haist ay almaist ay Ouirsylis the sicht of sum.1632Lithgow Trav. i. 34 Sathan, thou Prince of darknesse, hast so ouer-sylled the dimmed eies of their wretched soules.
3. ? To overtop, exceed, surpass.
1584Hudson Du Bartas' Judith i. in Sylvester's Wks. (1621) 691 The height and beauty did surpass, And overseilde the famous work of Pharie, Ephesus Temple.
Hence overˈsiling vbl. n., overarching, arched roof; ppl. a., overarching, covered in.
1632Lithgow Trav. vi. 267 The ouersilings loaden with Mosaick worke.Ibid. x. 440 Faire Arbors, spacious ouersiling walkes, and incorporate Trees of interchanging growths.

