
单词 Pneumatomachian
释义 Pneumatomachian, n. and a. Ch. Hist.|-ˈmeɪkɪən|
[f. late Gr. πνευµατοµάχος (Athanasius, a.d. 360) an adversary of the (Holy) Spirit (f. πνεῦµα spirit + µάχος fighting, fighter) + -ian.]
a. n. An adversary of the Spirit; a name applied to a sect or party (or a group of such) in the 4th century, who denied the divinity or personality of the Holy Spirit.
b. adj. Belonging to such a party, or holding such a doctrine. So Pneumatomachist |-ˈɒməkɪst| = a.; Pneumaˈtomachy, opposition to the Spirit.
1654R. Boreman Triumph Faith 5 Thus much you must know and believe against the Pneumatomachists, that this Procession of the Holy Ghost from the Father and the Sonne denotes his Communion with both in the Essence or Substance of the Deity.1707Curios. in Husb. & Gard. 297 A Heretick of Zizicum of the Sect of the Pneumatomachians.1833J. H. Newman Arians iv. ii. (1876) 303 Macedonius..passed through Semi-Arianism to the heresy of the Pneumatomachist, that is, the denial of the Divinity of the Holy Ghost, of which he is theologically the founder.1882–3Schaff's Encycl. Relig. Knowl. II. 1650 The Council of Constantinople in 381 opposed the Pneumatomachians, whose definite exclusion from the orthodox church dates from that time.1889C. I. Black (title) The Pneumatomachy of the Day: the Clergy and the Scriptures.1915Encycl. Relig. & Ethics VIII. 225/2 The leading doctrine of the Macedonians is found in the thesis characterized by their opponents as ‘Pneumatomachian’, viz. that the Holy Ghost is not to be designated θεός.1957Oxf. Dict. Chr. Ch. 1086/2 The historians Socrates and Sozomen..regard Macedonius as their founder, but..his name does not occur in contemporary anti-Pneumatomachian writings.

