
单词 matrass
释义 I. matrass1 Obs.
In 6 mattresse.
[a. OF. materas, matelas, of obscure origin.]
A quarrel or bolt for the cross-bow.
1530Palsgr. 244/1 Mattresse for a crosbowe, martelas.1867Smyth Sailor's Word-bk.
II. matrass2|ˈmætræs|
Forms: 7 matrat, (matracy, from mod.L.), matrace, 7–8 matras, 8–9 mattras(s, 7– matrass.
[a. F. matras, in 15–17th c. matheras (Hatz.-Darm.), matraz, matrac (Cotgr.); = Sp. matraz, pharmaceutical L. matracium.
By some considered to be a transferred use of matras matrass1, with reference to the shape of the vessel. This view is supported by the existence of the Eng. synonym bolt-head 2, unless the latter be merely a quasi-literal translation of the Fr. word. Devic suggests adoption from the Arab. maṭrah leather bottle; cf. mod.L. matracium ‘a little sack, wherein is calcinated tartar or the like, pricked here and there for the emission of liquors’ (tr. Blancard's Phys. Dict., ed. 2, 1693).]
1. A glass vessel with a round or oval body and a long neck, used by chemists for digesting and distilling.
1605Timme Quersit. ii. v. 123 Vessels which are called matrats, like unto round globes, having straite neckes.1657Tomlinson Renou's Disp. 592 Some include it [quicksilver] with aqua fortis in a Matracy.1669W. Simpson Hydrol. Chym. 166 Put a..quantity thereof in a matrass, lute it exactly [etc.].1681tr. Willis' Rem. Med. Wks. Vocab., Matrace, a vessel used for chymical distillations.1698H. Sloane in Phil. Trans. XX. 73 Put all into a Matras, and pour upon them a Quart of Brandy.1721W. Gibson Farrier's Disp. ii. i. 81 Instead of a Matrass, may be used a Florence Wine Flask.1763W. Lewis Comm. Phil. Techn. 34 A Long necked matras or bolt head.1811A. T. Thomson Lond. Disp. (1818) 468 Apply a moderate heat to the matrass.1849R. V. Dixon Heat i. 155 The ball of a small mattrass.1880Garrod & Baxter Mat. Med. 48 A matrass containing twenty-two ounces of water.
attrib.1683Pettus Fleta Min. ii. 12 The word Bell is also applyed to a glass..which the Chimists call a matrass glass.
2. A urinal (Syd. Soc. Lex. 1890).
1855Dunglison Med. Lex. (ed. 12) s.v. Matracium.
III. matrass, -at
obs. ff. mattress, matrass.

