“in form”例句

单词 in form
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anglicize〕To become English in form or character.英国化,英语化:在形式或特点上变得英国化或英语化美国传统〔Anglicize〕To make English or similar to English in form, idiom, style, or character.使英国化,使英语化:使形式、习惯用语、风格或特点方面英国化或英语化或类似英国或英语化美国传统〔Arabize〕To make Arabic in form, style, or character.使阿拉伯化:在外形、作风或性格上阿拉伯化美国传统〔Gallicize〕To make or become French, as in form, character, or custom.法国化:使成为或变为法国,比如在礼节、性格或风俗方面美国传统〔Grecize〕To make Greek or Hellenic in form or style.使希腊化:使其在风格或形式上像希腊的美国传统〔Hebraize〕To make Hebraic in form or idiom.使希伯来化:在形式或语言表达方面使希伯来化美国传统〔Hispanicize〕To make Spanish in form, style, or character.西班牙化:使性格、形式、风格西班牙化美国传统〔Japanize〕To make or become Japanese in form, idiom, style, or character.日本化或使日本化:使…在形式、惯用语、风格或个性上趋向于或成为日本式美国传统〔arrow〕Something, such as a directional symbol, that is similar to an arrow in form or function.箭头形符号:功能或形式类似箭头的某物,如用于指示方向的符号美国传统〔beau geste〕A gesture noble in form but meaningless in substance.故作大方的姿势:一种形式上高尚但实质上无意义的姿态美国传统〔conform〕To correspond in form or character; be similar.一致:在形式或特征上相符;相似美国传统〔descent〕Development in form or structure during transmission from an original source.发展:演化的过程中在形式或结构上的发展美国传统〔drag〕Filling in forms is such a drag! 填写这些表格真麻烦!剑桥高阶〔elegance〕Tasteful opulence in form, decoration, or presentation.讲究,精美:图样、装饰或陈设的丰富多彩美国传统〔fantastic〕Quaint or strange in form, conception, or appearance.奇异怪诞的:在形式、概念或形象上显出奇异的或奇怪的美国传统〔feathery〕Resembling or suggestive of a feather, as in form or lightness.似羽毛的:结构上或轻度上象羽毛的,使人联想起羽毛的美国传统〔form〕He was back in form, being all things to all men.他心情又愉快如常,对各种各样的人应付裕如。英汉大词典〔form〕I really need to get back in form.我实在需要恢复状态。牛津高阶〔form〕These laws exist only in form.这些法律名存实亡。英汉大词典〔homomorphism〕Zoology A resemblance in form between the immature and adult stages of an animal.【动物学】 成幼同型:一种动物在未成熟阶段与成年阶段外形的相似美国传统〔hour〕We had to spend hours filling in forms.我们只得花很长时间填表。朗文当代〔idioblast〕A plant cell that differs noticeably in form from neighboring cells.异细胞,生原体:与相邻的细胞截然不同的细胞美国传统〔isomorphism〕Biology Similarity in form, as in organisms of different ancestry.【生物学】 同态性;同形性:形式上的相似性,如由不同的上代个体所产生的有机体的相似性美国传统〔jazzy〕Resembling jazz in form or nature; rhythmical.爵士乐的:在形式上或本质上似爵士乐的;有节奏的美国传统〔larva〕The newly hatched, earliest stage of any of various animals that undergo metamorphosis, differing markedly in form and appearance from the adult.幼体:某些动物在刚刚孵化出来并完成变形之后的最初阶段,在形体和外貌上与成体大不相同美国传统〔modify〕To change in form or character; alter.变更:在形式或特征上改变,修改美国传统〔mountain range〕A series of mountain ridges alike in form, direction, and origin.山脉:一系列在形状、方向和起源上相似的山脊美国传统〔novel〕Samuel Richardson's novels are all epistolary in form.塞缪尔・理查森的小说都是书信体的。牛津搭配〔old〕Having become simpler in form and of lower relief. Used of a landform.地形起伏缓和的:较为简单的、起伏较平的。用于形容地形美国传统〔plump〕To become well-rounded, chubby, or full in form.变丰满,变圆胖:在形体上成为圆鼓鼓、胖乎乎或饱满的美国传统〔poetry〕Prose that resembles a poem in some respect, as in form or sound.散文诗:在某些方面(如形式或声音上)类似诗歌的散文美国传统〔sail〕Something, such as the blade of a windmill, that resembles a sail in form or function.帆状物:形状或功能与帆类似的东西,如风车的翼板美国传统〔serpentine〕Of or resembling a serpent, as in form or movement; sinuous.蜿蜒的:在形状或移动上象蛇的;弯曲的美国传统〔spidery〕Resembling a spider in form, characteristics, or behavior.蜘蛛似的:在形状、特点或行为上象蜘蛛的美国传统〔spiral〕A snail's shell is spiral in form.蜗牛壳呈螺旋形。牛津高阶〔theologize〕To make theological in form or significance.使神学化:在形式或意义上使成神学的美国传统〔thin〕Lean or slender in form, build, or stature.纤瘦的:形态、结构或身材瘦或细长的美国传统〔transfiguration〕A marked change in form or appearance; a metamorphosis.变形:在形式或外表上发生的明显变化;变形美国传统〔transpose〕To alter in form or nature; transform.在性质或形式上的改变;变形美国传统〔tree〕A plant or shrub resembling a tree in form or size.灌木:一种在形状或大小上类似树的植物或灌木美国传统〔tree〕Something, such as a clothes tree, that resembles a tree in form.似树的木制品:在形状上象树的东西,如衣帽架美国传统〔variant〕Something that differs in form only slightly from something else, as a different spelling or pronunciation of the same word.异体:在形式上只是轻微地不同于其它的东西,如同一单词的不同拼写或发音美国传统〔vary〕The sword hardly varied in form from the 12th to the 15th century.剑的样式从 12 世纪到 15 世纪几乎没有什么改变。牛津搭配〔vault〕An arched overhead covering, such as the sky, that resembles the architectural structure in form.穹状覆盖物:一种在头顶上的拱形覆盖物,如天空等,在形状上与建筑结构相似美国传统〔whip〕Something, such as a long radio antenna on a motor vehicle, that is similar to a whip in form or flexibility.鞭状物:在形式或柔韧性上与鞭子相似的东西,如机动车辆上长长的无线电天线美国传统〔worm〕Something, such as the thread of a screw or the spiral condenser in a still, that resembles a worm in form or appearance.有螺纹状的物品:某物,如螺旋线或蒸馏器的螺旋冷凝器,在构成或外表上像蠕虫美国传统Filling in forms is such a drag! 填表格真是令人讨厌。剑桥国际If she is in form, she can win the match easily. 如果她竞技状态良好,她可以轻易赢得这场比赛。译典通

