
单词 hairy
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Pomeranian〕Any of a breed of small dogs having long, silky hair, a foxlike face, pointed ears, and a hairy tail curling over the back.波美拉尼亚狗:一种小狗,长有光滑的长毛、狐状脸、尖耳和蜷在背部的毛茸茸的尾巴美国传统〔ape〕Get your hairy paws off me, you big ape!把你的毛爪子从我身上拿开, 你这个笨手笨脚的大猩猩!外研社新世纪〔bare〕He bared his muscular, hairy chest for a women's magazine.他为一本女性杂志秀出了他那肌肉发达、毛发浓密的性感胸部。柯林斯高阶〔beard〕A hairy or hairlike growth such as that on or near the face of certain mammals.颌毛:某些哺乳动物脸上或脸周围生长的毛或毛状物美国传统〔caterpillar〕The wormlike, often brightly colored, hairy or spiny larva of a butterfly or moth.毛虫:蝴蝶或蛾子的蠕虫状,多为浅颜色的多毛或带刺的幼虫美国传统〔chest〕He has a hairy chest.他胸毛很多。外研社新世纪〔chest〕His shirt was open to the waist revealing a very hairy chest.他的衬衫敞开到腰部,露出毛茸茸的胸膛。剑桥高阶〔gaga〕My daughter is just gaga over men with hairy chests.我女儿就是痴迷于那些胸毛浓密的男子。柯林斯高阶〔hairy〕Driving on icy roads can be pretty hairy.在结冰的道路上开车很惊险。牛津高阶〔hairy〕He was wearing shorts which showed his long, hairy legs.他穿着短裤, 露出两条多毛的长腿。外研社新世纪〔hairy〕He was wearing shorts which showed his long, muscular, hairy legs.他穿着短裤,露出自己强壮多毛的长腿。柯林斯高阶〔hairy〕His driving was a bit hairy.他的车技让人不放心。外研社新世纪〔hairy〕His driving was a bit hairy.他的车技让人不放心。柯林斯高阶〔hairy〕I like going on the back of Pedro's motorbike, though it can get a bit hairy.我喜欢坐在佩德罗的摩托车后座上兜风,虽然有时有些惊险。剑桥高阶〔hairy〕I was too hairy to tell her my name.我气得连自己的名字也没有告诉她。英汉大词典〔hairy〕I've had some hairy moments in my time as a policeman.我当警察时经历过一些艰难的时刻。外研社新世纪〔hairy〕It got a little hairy when we drove him to the station with minutes to spare.我们开车送他到车站时只剩下几分钟了, 真是颇有几分惊险。外研社新世纪〔hairy〕It was pretty hairy climbing down the cliff.爬下悬崖真吓人。朗文当代〔hairy〕The leaves are soft and hairy.这些叶子很柔软,而且毛茸茸的。麦克米伦高阶〔hairy〕The plant has serrated and hairy leaves.这棵植物长着锯齿状的毛茸茸的叶子。柯林斯高阶〔hairy〕The plant has serrated and hairy leaves.这种植物长着锯齿状的毛茸叶子。外研社新世纪〔hairy〕The taxi ride got a little hairy.乘出租车出行变得有点吓人了。韦氏高阶〔hairy〕When the deadline approaches, things can get a little hairy.随着截止时间的临近,事情会变得有些让人揪心了。韦氏高阶〔hirsute〕Covered with hair; hairy.多毛的,有须的美国传统〔ligule〕A straplike structure, such as the corolla of a ray flower or a membranous or hairy appendage between the sheaf and blade of a grass leaf.舌叶:带状结构,如伞形头状花序的花冠,或草叶的叶束与叶片之间的膜状或茸毛状附着物美国传统〔misapprehension〕Men still appear to be labouring under the misapprehension that women want hairy, muscular men.男人们似乎仍然错误地认为女人喜欢体毛浓密、肌肉强健的男人。外研社新世纪〔misapprehension〕Men still appear to be labouring under the misapprehension that women want hairy, muscular men.男人们似乎仍然错误地认为女人喜欢体毛浓重、肌肉强健的男人。柯林斯高阶〔mole〕A small congenital growth on the human skin, usually slightly raised and dark and sometimes hairy, especially a pigmented nevus.痣:人体皮肤上的一个小而天生的斑点,通常轻微突起或呈深色,有时长有毛,尤指一个色素痣美国传统〔nettle〕Any of various hairy, stinging, or prickly plants.刺麻:有多种毛、针或刺的植物美国传统〔pert〕But there is more to Charles than his pert bottom and hairy chest.查尔斯不光是有俏屁股和毛茸茸的胸脯。柯林斯高阶〔pert〕There is more to Charles than his pert bottom and hairy chest.查尔斯不光有俏臀和毛茸茸的胸脯。外研社新世纪〔suggest〕Its hairy body suggests a mammal.它毛茸茸的身体表明它是哺乳动物。柯林斯高阶〔tarantula〕Any of various large, hairy, chiefly tropical spiders of the family Theraphosidae, capable of inflicting a painful but not seriously poisonous bite.鸟蛛:任一种主要生长在热带地区的鸟蛛科的大型且体表多毛的蜘蛛,人被这种蜘蛛咬后会觉得很痛,但并无剧毒美国传统〔warble fly〕Any of several large hairy flies of the family Oestridae having larvae that form warbles under the skin of cattle and certain other animals.皮瘤蝇:任何一种属于中蝇科的大型多毛苍蝇,其幼虫能够在牛皮下或其他某些动物皮下形成肿块美国传统〔wiring〕Our internal wiring has not changed much since the time of our hairy ancestors.从我们的多毛祖先以来,我们的体内神经网络并没有发生多少变化。牛津搭配Gorillas are hairy animals. 猩猩是多毛动物。译典通His shirt was open to the waist revealing a very hairy chest.他的衬衫领口开到了腰部,露出毛茸茸的胸膛。剑桥国际I remember the first time I saw him undressed and I couldn't believe how hairy he was.我记得第一次见他裸体, 无法相信他体毛有多浓。剑桥国际

