
单词 pray
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARGUE〕A large group of demonstrators stayed up all night praying for reconciliation between the two countries. 一大群游行示威人士整夜祈祷,祈求两国之间重修旧好。朗文写作活用〔DARK〕I shrank back into the darkest corner of the room, and prayed that the soldiers would not see me. 我后退躲进房间最阴暗的角落里,祈求这些士兵不会看到我。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕I just kept praying that the man would let me go. 我不断地祈祷希望那名男子能放我走。朗文写作活用〔HOPE〕She could only hope and pray that Liza would be back to her normal self the next time she saw her. 她只能祈盼下回见到莉萨的时候,她会恢复正常。朗文写作活用〔Kaaba〕A Moslem shrine in Mecca toward which the faithful turn to pray.天房:麦加的穆斯林神殿,虔诚的穆斯林教徒向它祈祷美国传统〔Let us pray〕The minister said, “Let us pray.” 牧师说:“让我们祈祷吧。”韦氏高阶〔Lord〕She prayed now. 'Lord, help me to find courage.'她祷告道:“主啊, 赋予我勇气。”外研社新世纪〔Our Lady〕Will you pray to Our Lady for me?你能为我向圣母马利亚祈祷吗?外研社新世纪〔PRAY〕As their crops wilted, the people prayed for rain. 庄稼枯萎,老百姓祈求降雨。朗文写作活用〔PRAY〕Carly's parents are praying that the operation will succeed. 卡莉的双亲在祈祷手术顺利。朗文写作活用〔PRAY〕He got down on his knees and began to pray. 他跪下来开始祈祷。朗文写作活用〔PRAY〕In her time of distress she prayed to Allah to help her. 在痛苦的时候,她祈求真主帮助她。朗文写作活用〔PRAY〕We pray for the sick and for their families. 我们为病人及其家属祷告。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕Many people claim to have had visions while praying at Lourdes. 许多人称在卢尔德祈祷时见过异象。朗文写作活用〔abroad〕The minister spread his hands abroad and prayed.牧师摊开双手作祷告。英汉大词典〔advertise〕They pray in private and don't advertise their faith by attending church.他们只在私下祈祷,并不去教堂做礼拜以凸显自己的信仰。英汉大词典〔agonize〕All the time she agonized and prayed.她一直在忍受痛苦并且祈祷。21世纪英汉〔almighty〕We must pray to the Almighty for forgiveness.我们一定要祈求上帝的宽恕。剑桥高阶〔altar〕Each cardinal approaches the altar, kneels and prays.每位红衣主教都走到祭坛前跪下祈祷。外研社新世纪〔barren〕He prayed that his barren wife would one day have a child.他祈祷不育的妻子将来会怀个孩子。外研社新世纪〔befall〕We prayed that no harm should befall them.我们祈求他们平安无事。朗文当代〔bellow〕She prayed she wouldn't come in and find them there, bellowing at each other.她祈祷自己进来后不会看到他们冲着彼此大吼大叫。柯林斯高阶〔blessing〕Let us pray for God's blessing.让我们祈求上帝保佑吧。麦克米伦高阶〔bow〕She bowed her head and prayed.她低下头祈祷。朗文当代〔brethren〕Let us pray, brethren.请众同祷。牛津高阶〔brother〕We pray for all our brothers and sisters abroad.我们为所有海外同胞祈祷。麦克米伦高阶〔cast up〕The dying old man cast up his eyes to heaven and prayed devoutly.垂死的老人举目望天,虔诚地祈祷。21世纪英汉〔chanting〕Muslims chanted and prayed.穆斯林们诵经、祈祷。柯林斯高阶〔chant〕Muslims chanted and prayed.穆斯林们唱歌祈祷。外研社新世纪〔cloister〕At a tiny cloister on the Lofoten Islands, three Polish monks prayed for the Pope.在罗弗敦群岛上的一个小隐修院里, 三个波兰僧侣为教皇祈祷。外研社新世纪〔condemn〕The condemned man spent his last hours praying.那个被处死刑的人以祈祷度过他最后的几个小时。英汉大词典〔congregation〕The congregation knelt to pray.会众跪下祈祷。朗文当代〔deceive〕The boys, if my eyes did not deceive me, were praying.如果我没有看错的话, 这些男孩是在祈祷。外研社新世纪〔deceive〕The boys, if my eyes did not deceive me, were praying.如果我没有看错的话,那些男孩子正在祈祷。柯林斯高阶〔deference〕Out of deference to him, I lowered my head as he prayed.出于对他的尊重, 在他祷告的时候, 我低下了头。外研社新世纪〔deference〕Out of deference to him, I lowered my head as he prayed.出于对他的敬重,在他祈祷时我低下了头。柯林斯高阶〔deliverance〕She prayed for deliverance as the famine got worse.随着饥荒的加重,她祈求得到解救。韦氏高阶〔deliverance〕She prayed to God for deliverance.她向上帝祈祷以求得拯救。柯林斯高阶〔delivery〕We pray for our delivery from this oppression.我们祈祷能从这种压迫中解脱出来。外研社新世纪〔departed〕Let us pray for our departed friend.我们为已去世的朋友们祈祷吧。文馨英汉〔divine〕They prayed for divine intervention/help.他们祈求神的保佑/帮助。韦氏高阶〔exhort〕Minister rushed about the camp praying and exhorting.牧师在营地到处奔走,一边祷告,一边劝戒。21世纪英汉〔faldstool〕A folding or small desk stool at which worshipers kneel to pray, especially one on which the British sovereign kneels at the time of coronation.祈祷椅:礼拜着跪着祈祷时使用的一种可折叠的小凳子,尤指英格兰国王举行加冕礼时使用的美国传统〔fall〕The people all fell to their knees and began to pray.人们都跪了下来,开始祈祷。剑桥高阶〔fine〕We are just praying for some fine weather.我们只是祈祷能有好天气。外研社新世纪〔go down〕I went down on my knees and prayed for guidance.我跪了下来,祈求得到指引。柯林斯高阶〔god〕I pray to God that no one was seriously injured in the accident.我向上帝祈祷,但愿没有人员在事故中受重伤。韦氏高阶〔god〕They prayed to the gods for rain.他们祈求神明降雨。外研社新世纪〔gracious〕Pray sir, I seek your gracious pardon.求求您先生, 我请求您仁慈的原谅。外研社新世纪〔g〕To ask, pray.要求, 祈求.美国传统〔heaven〕I pray to Heaven it may be so.我向上帝祈祷但愿如此。麦克米伦高阶〔heaven〕She prayed to God in Heaven.她向天堂里的上帝祷告。韦氏高阶〔hold〕They all held hands and prayed.他们手挽着手祈祷。麦克米伦高阶〔home〕We pray all our troops will come home safely.我们祈祷我们的军队都能平安回国。剑桥高阶〔honour〕We pray that both sides will continue to honour their commitment to the peace agreement.我们期盼双方继续履行对和平协定作出的承诺。朗文当代〔hope〕We can only hope and pray that Stephen is alive.我们只能希望和祈祷斯蒂芬还活着。麦克米伦高阶〔hypocrisy〕It would be sheer hypocrisy to pray for success, since I've never believed in God.我从不相信上帝,因此为成功而祈祷是纯粹的虚伪之举。朗文当代〔intervene〕I pray that death may not intervene to prevent our meeting with my darling children.我祈祷死亡不要阻挠我们与我亲爱的孩子们见一面。柯林斯高阶〔kiblah〕The direction facing the Kaaba, toward which Moslems look when praying.朝拜方向:伊斯兰教徒礼拜时所面对的卡巴清真寺方向美国传统〔kneeler〕One who kneels, as to pray.跪着的人,如祈祷美国传统〔kneel〕He knelt in front of the altar and prayed.他跪在圣坛前祈祷。剑桥高阶〔kneel〕She knelt (down) to pray.她跪下来祈祷。英汉大词典〔kneel〕She knelt by the bed and prayed.她跪在床边祈祷。外研社新世纪〔kneel〕She knelt by the bed and prayed.她跪在床边祈祷。柯林斯高阶〔knee〕He dropped to his knees and started praying.跪下麦克米伦高阶〔knee〕He got on his knees to pray (beg forgiveness).他跪下祈祷(请求宽恕)。英汉大词典〔knee〕She fell to the ground on her knees and prayed.她跪下祈祷。柯林斯高阶〔knee〕Tim fell to his knees and started to pray.蒂姆跪下来开始祷告。朗文当代〔let us pray〕Let us pray. Dear God, we thank you for this day… 让我们祈祷吧:亲爱的主,我们感谢你今天…韦氏高阶〔lord〕She prayed now. 'Lord, help me to find courage.' 她马上祈祷道:“上帝呀,请赐我勇气吧。”柯林斯高阶〔may〕We pray for those who died – may they rest in peace.我们为死者祈祷 — 愿他们安息。朗文当代〔mystic〕She had a mystic vision while praying.祈祷时她看到了一种神秘的幻象。韦氏高阶〔needy〕Let us pray for those who are not so fortunate as ourselves - the sick, the old, and the needy.让我们为那些比我们不幸的病弱者、老人和穷人祈祷吧。剑桥高阶〔nightly〕My mother prayed nightly that I would not join the army.我母亲每晚都祈祷我不会参军。外研社新世纪〔on〕She gets down on her knees every night and prays for her family.她每天晚上都要跪下为她的家人祈祷。麦克米伦高阶〔penance〕We prayed and did penance together.我们一起祈祷并苦修。朗文当代〔pray down〕He prayed down his rival.他以祈祷来降伏了对手。21世纪英汉〔pray over〕You needn't start praying over me yet, I'm still alive!你不必现在就开始为我祈祷,我还活着!21世纪英汉〔prayer meeting〕An evangelical service, especially one held on a weekday evening, in which the laypersons participate by singing, praying, or testifying their faith.祷告会:尤指在周末晚上所召集的福音教派祈祷式,在祈祷式中俗教徒们唱歌、祷告或表明他们的信念美国传统〔prayerful〕Inclined or given to praying frequently; devout.常做祷告的:习惯于或喜爱经常祈祷的;虔诚的美国传统〔prayer〕One who prays.祈祷者美国传统〔prayer〕She began to pray a prayer of sincere gratitude.她开始祈祷,诚挚而充满感激。牛津搭配〔pray〕Pray God she is safe.祈求上帝保佑她平安。英汉大词典〔pray〕Pray be careful.务请小心。韦氏高阶〔pray〕Pray be seated.请坐。朗文当代〔pray〕Pray come with me.请跟我来。英汉大词典〔pray〕Pray continue.请继续。牛津高阶〔pray〕Pray,leave us alone.求求你,不要管我们。英汉大词典〔pray〕And what, pray, do you buy and sell, Major?梅杰, 请问, 你都买卖些什么?外研社新世纪〔pray〕And where have you been, pray tell? 请告诉我你去哪儿了?剑桥高阶〔pray〕And who, pray tell , is this? 请问这位是谁?朗文当代〔pray〕Diane prayed over the body for a moment.黛安娜在尸体旁祈祷了一会儿。牛津搭配〔pray〕He prayed for good weather.他祈祷风调雨顺。牛津搭配〔pray〕He prayed that he would find a parking spot.他希望能找到一个停车位。韦氏高阶〔pray〕He prayed that his sight might be restored.他祈求自己的视力可以得到恢复。朗文当代〔pray〕He prayed to God to save him.他祈求上帝拯救他。麦克米伦高阶〔pray〕He prayed to be forgiven.他祈求宽恕。牛津高阶〔pray〕He got what he had prayed for.他得到了祈求的东西。英汉大词典〔pray〕He thought if he prayed hard enough God might eventually listen.他想如果自己确实真心实意祈祷的话,上帝或许终究会听的。牛津搭配〔pray〕He was secretly praying that his offer would be rejected.他暗暗祈祷他的提议不会被接受。牛津搭配〔pray〕His eyes were closed and he was praying.他闭着眼睛祈祷。外研社新世纪〔pray〕I pray that she'll never find out.但愿她永远不会发现。外研社新世纪〔pray〕I pray your indulgence.我祈求你的宽容。英汉大词典〔pray〕I pray your permission to speak.我恳求您准许我发言美国传统〔pray〕I prayed that nobody would notice my mistake.我但愿没人注意到我的错误。牛津高阶〔pray〕I prayed to God for guidance.我祈求上帝给我指引。牛津搭配〔pray〕I beg your pardon, pray continue.抱歉, 请继续。外研社新世纪〔pray〕I beg your pardon, pray continue.抱歉,请继续。柯林斯高阶〔pray〕I earnestly pray for your pardon.我恳切地请求你原谅。21世纪英汉〔pray〕I feel for him and I'm praying for him.我同情他并为他祈祷。外研社新世纪〔pray〕I just hope and pray everything goes well.我只希望并祈盼一切顺利。外研社新世纪〔pray〕I'll pray for you.我将为你祈祷。牛津高阶〔pray〕I'm praying for Mother to get better.我在祷祝母亲身体康复。英汉大词典〔pray〕I'm just praying that somebody in Congress will do something before it's too late.我只是在祈求国会中会有人在还来得及的时候做点什么。柯林斯高阶〔pray〕In church we prayed to God for the sick child.我们在教堂为病孩向上帝祈祷。英汉大词典〔pray〕Kelly prayed that God would judge her with mercy.凯莉祈求在接受最后的审判时能得到上帝的怜悯。柯林斯高阶〔pray〕Leave, I pray you.走吧, 我求求你啦。外研社新世纪〔pray〕Leave, I pray you.走吧,我求求你。英汉大词典〔pray〕Let us pray for peace.让我们为和平祈祷吧。朗文当代〔pray〕Let us pray the enemy down.让我们以祈祷制服敌人吧。英汉大词典〔pray〕Let us pray.我们祈祷吧。麦克米伦高阶〔pray〕Let us not count it too hard to pray a soul into the kingdom.我们不要过于指望能够把灵魂祈祷进天国。外研社新世纪〔pray〕Londoners never pray for rain.伦敦人从来不求雨。英汉大词典〔pray〕Many were secretly praying for a compromise.很多人在暗中祈求和解。柯林斯高阶〔pray〕Martha prayed to God for help.玛莎向上帝祈求帮助。朗文当代〔pray〕Paul was praying that no one had noticed his absence.保罗但愿没有人注意到他的缺席。朗文当代〔pray〕She prayed to God for an end to her sufferings.她祈求上帝结束她的苦难。牛津高阶〔pray〕She prayed to be allowed to go.她恳求获准离开。外研社新世纪〔pray〕She prayed to be allowed to go.她恳求让她走。英汉大词典〔pray〕She prays constantly for forgiveness.她不断地祈求宽恕。牛津搭配〔pray〕She asked the priest to pray with her.她请牧师和她一起祈祷。牛津搭配〔pray〕She knelt and prayed silently.她跪下默默祈祷。剑桥高阶〔pray〕Stone prayed that the factory hadn't skimped on the construction.斯通祈望工厂尚未削减建筑工程开支。外研社新世纪〔pray〕Tell me the reason,pray.请把理由告诉我吧。21世纪英汉〔pray〕The evil man is past praying for.那恶人不可救药了。英汉大词典〔pray〕The farmers are praying for rain.农民们正在祈雨。外研社新世纪〔pray〕The farmers are praying that it will rain soon.农民们祈望快快下雨。英汉大词典〔pray〕The priest prayed for the dying man.牧师为死者做祷告。21世纪英汉〔pray〕There's little else to do now but hope and pray.除了祈望和祷告外现在没什么可以做的。韦氏高阶〔pray〕They prayed for peace.他们祈祷和平。麦克米伦高阶〔pray〕They prayed that she wonld recover.他们为她尽快康复而祈祷。21世纪英汉〔pray〕They prayed to God for guidance.他们祈求上帝指点迷津。英汉大词典〔pray〕They went to the mosque to pray.他们到清真寺祷告去了。朗文当代〔pray〕They will be praying for the chance to replay the match.他们将祈望有机会进行重赛。麦克米伦高阶〔pray〕We pray you to show mercy.我们恳求你发发慈悲。21世纪英汉〔pray〕We prayed (that) she would recover from her illness.我们为她的康复祈祷。牛津高阶〔pray〕We are praying for his safe return.我们为他的平安归来而祈祷外研社新世纪〔pray〕We can but pray that our worst fears will prove unfounded.我们只能祈祷我们最大的担忧是毫无根据的。外研社新世纪〔pray〕We can hope and pray that no one gets hurt.我们希望并祈祷没有人受伤。牛津搭配〔pray〕We're praying for good weather for tomorrow's game.我们祈祷明天的比赛有个好天气。剑桥高阶〔pray〕We're praying for good weather on Saturday.我们十分企盼星期六是个晴天。牛津高阶〔pray〕We're praying for good weather tomorrow.我们企盼明天是个好天气。朗文当代〔pray〕We've been praying to God that your son will make a complete recovery.我们一直在祈祷上帝让你的儿子完全康复。剑桥高阶〔pray〕What, pray, is the meaning of this behaviour? 请问,这种行为意味着什么?英汉大词典〔pray〕What, pray, is the meaning of this? 请问,这是什么意思?牛津高阶〔private〕The King was on a private visit to enable him to pray at the tombs of his ancestors.国王以私人身份出访,以便能够祭拜先祖陵墓。柯林斯高阶〔purgatory〕They prayed for the souls in purgatory.他们为炼狱中的灵魂祈祷。外研社新世纪〔purify〕They prayed to God to purify them.他们祈求上帝为自己涤罪。朗文当代〔read〕South Africans were praying last night that he has read the situation correctly.昨晚南非人在祈祷他对形势的解读是正确的。柯林斯高阶〔salvation〕Pray for salvation.为获得拯救而祈祷。韦氏高阶〔self-indulgence〕He prayed to be saved from self-indulgence.他祈祷自己能从自我放纵中摆脱出来。柯林斯高阶〔silently〕She prayed silently.她默默地祷告。牛津高阶〔sink〕The minister sank to his knees (=he went down into a kneeling position) and prayed.牧师跪下来祷告。朗文当代〔soul〕She went to pray for the soul of her late husband.她去为亡夫的灵魂祈祷。柯林斯高阶〔squeeze〕Nancy squeezed her eyes shut and prayed.南希紧闭双眼祈祷着。柯林斯高阶〔strength〕I pray that I'll have the strength to do what I have to do.但愿我有坚强的意志做我必须做的事情。韦氏高阶〔sunny〕We're having the party in the garden, so I'm praying it'll be sunny.我们要在花园里举行聚会,所以我正祈祷那天会阳光明媚。剑桥高阶〔supplicate〕To ask for humbly or earnestly, as by praying.恳求:请求或祈求美国传统〔temple〕They went to pray in the temple.他们去寺庙祈祷。牛津搭配〔traipse〕Joyce traipsed from one doctor to another, praying that someone would listen.乔伊丝从一位大夫奔波到另一位那里,期盼着有人会认真听她的话。柯林斯高阶〔turn aside〕She could only pray that the boy would turn aside from the disastrous path he had chosen.她只能祈祷那个男孩能从他选择的毁灭之路上回头。外研社新世纪〔upbraid〕His mother summoned him, upbraided him, wept and prayed.他母亲把他叫到跟前训斥了一番,又哭哭啼啼地向上帝祷告。柯林斯高阶〔upbraid〕His mother summoned him, upbraided him, wept, and prayed.他母亲把他叫到跟前训斥一番, 又哭哭啼啼地向上帝祷告。外研社新世纪〔way〕We have a beautiful city and we pray it stays that way.我们的城市很美丽,但愿它能保持下去。柯林斯高阶Pray take a seat.请坐。剑桥国际Pray tell your sister that I long to see her.请告诉你姐姐我想见她。剑桥国际According to a recent poll, 80% of Americans pray regularly and over 40% worship on a weekly basis.最近的一次民意测验表明,80%的美国人经常祷告,40%以上的人每周作一次礼拜。剑桥国际Every day the old women went to pray at the shrine. 老太太们每天去圣殿祈祷。译典通He prayed to God to endue him with wisdom. 他祈求上帝赋予他智慧。译典通I just prayed that he would stop firing.我只是祈祷他会停止射击。剑桥国际I just hope and pray that he'll come back in December.我希望并祈祷他能在12月回来。剑桥国际I never lost hope and kept on praying to be rescued.我没有丧失希望,并一直在祈祷能获救。剑桥国际In times of difficulty, she prayed for an oracle to guide her. 在困难的时候,她祈祷神谕来指引她。。译典通Kneeling in front of the altar, he prayed for an answer.他在神坛前跪下,企求回答。剑桥国际Let us pray for those who are not so fortunate as ourselves-the sick, the old and the needy.让我们为那些不如我们幸运的病弱者、老人和穷人祈祷。剑桥国际She prayed that she would never offend. 她祈祷但愿永远不做错事。译典通Sometimes people pray silently by thinking the words but not actually saying them.有时人们默想着祈祷的话而不说出来。剑桥国际Tarry awhile, I pray you.多呆一会儿,我求你了。剑桥国际The citizens are praying that the war will cease soon. 居民们祈祷战争快快结束。译典通The people all fell to their knees and began to pray.人们都跪下来开始祈祷。剑桥国际The people in the church prayed for deliverance from their sins.人们在教堂里祈祷着从罪孽中得到拯救。剑桥国际The priest asked the members of his congregation to pray for the souls of people in Purgatory.神父叫他教区的信徒为炼狱中的人们的灵魂祈祷。剑桥国际The whole family knelt on cushions to pray. 全家人跪在跪垫上祈祷。译典通They prayed that they would defeat their enemies soon. 他们祈祷很快打败敌人。译典通They are religious mystics who spend a lot of time praying and meditating.他们是一些信仰神秘主义宗教的人, 花许多时间祈祷和沉思。剑桥国际They knelt down and prayed to God for help. 他们跪下,祈求上帝保佑。译典通They'll have to take a chance with that old car and pray that it doesn't break down on the way.他们开那辆旧车得冒险,而且得祈祷它不会在路上抛锚。剑桥国际We have to hope and pray (that) the operation will go well. [+ (that) clause] 我们只能祈愿手术顺利。剑桥国际We're having the party in the garden, so I'm praying it'll be sunny.我们将在花园里举行宴会,所以我祈求那天阳光明媚。剑桥国际We've been praying to God that your son will make a complete recovery.我们一直在祈祷上帝让你的儿子能够完全康复。剑桥国际

