
单词 oust
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GET RID OF〕Nusabe was ousted in a coup late last year. 努萨比在去年年底的政变中被赶下台。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕Reformers have expressed concern that he could be ousted by hard-liners opposed to his reforms. 改革派人士担心他会被反对他改革的强硬派赶下台。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕Supporters of the ousted dictator have been rounded up and jailed. 支持已被罢黜的独裁者的人被逮起来投进了监狱。朗文写作活用〔acquiescence〕He regretted his acquiescence to the plan to oust Okami.他后悔同意将冈见赶下台的计划。外研社新世纪〔brew〕We suspected they were brewing some sort of plan to oust the party chairman.我们怀疑他们正在策划将该党主席赶下台的阴谋。外研社新世纪〔confidence〕The chairman has been ousted from his post by a unanimous vote of no confidence by the club's directors.董事长被俱乐部董事的一致不信任投票罢免。外研社新世纪〔disseize〕To dispossess unlawfully of real property; oust.强占,逐出:对不动产的非法占有;逐出美国传统〔from〕The party was ousted from power after eighteen years.该党执政十八年后被赶下台。牛津高阶〔inducement〕They offered voters a massive inducement to oust the president by announcing that sanctions would be lifted if there was "democratic change".他们宣布如果该国进行“民主变革”,制裁就会取消,以此巨大诱惑诱使投票人罢免总统。剑桥高阶〔lest〕The president has gone along with the hardliners lest they be tempted to oust him.总统同意了强硬派的意见,以免他们产生赶他下台的念头。柯林斯高阶〔lest〕The president has gone along with the hardliners lest they be tempted to oust him.总统站在了强硬派一边, 免得他们想要赶他下台。外研社新世纪〔one-time〕The legislative body had voted to oust the country's onetime rulers.立法机构通过投票将该国的前度领导人赶下了台。柯林斯高阶〔ousting〕Last week they tried to oust him in a parliamentary vote of no confidence.上周,他们试图通过议会的不信任投票将他罢免。柯林斯高阶〔ousting〕The ousting of his predecessor was one of the most dramatic coups the business world had seen in years.将他的前任扳倒是商界多年以来最富戏剧性的一场胜利。柯林斯高阶〔ousting〕The leaders have been ousted from power by nationalists.这些领导人被民族主义者赶下了台。柯林斯高阶〔oust〕He was ousted as chairman.他的主席职务被革除了。牛津高阶〔oust〕He was ousted as chairman.他被迫辞去了主席的职位。韦氏高阶〔oust〕He was ousted from his job.他被解雇了。外研社新世纪〔oust〕He was ousted from his post.他被撤职了。21世纪英汉〔oust〕I 'm sorry to say nothing could oust a computer.很遗憾,什么也不可能取代计算机。21世纪英汉〔oust〕Large national banks are ousting local banks in many communities.在许多社区里,大型国有银行正在取代地方银行。韦氏高阶〔oust〕Last week they tried to oust him in a parliamentary vote of no confidence.上周, 他们试图通过议会的不信任投票将他免职。外研社新世纪〔oust〕Last year's NCAA winners have been ousted from the tournament.去年的NCAA冠军在锦标赛中被淘汰了。剑桥高阶〔oust〕Police are trying to oust drug dealers from the city .警方正试图将毒品贩子们从市中心撵走。剑桥高阶〔oust〕Take care that quantity does not oust quality.注意,不要只顾数量而损害了质量。英汉大词典〔oust〕The committee wanted to oust him from the union.委员会想把他从工会中驱逐出去。麦克米伦高阶〔oust〕The leaders have been ousted from power by nationalists.这些领导人被民族主义者赶下了台。外研社新世纪〔oust〕The president was ousted (from power) in a military coup in January 1987.总统在1987年1月的一次军事政变中被赶下了台。剑桥高阶〔oust〕The president was ousted in a coup last year.总统在去年的一次政变中被赶下台。麦克米伦高阶〔oust〕The rebels ousted the dictator from power.反抗者把独裁者赶下了台。韦氏高阶〔oust〕The rebels finally managed to oust the government from power.反叛者最后总算打倒了政府。牛津高阶〔oust〕The team was ousted from the tournament in the first round of the play-offs.在季后赛的第一轮,球队就输掉了参加锦标赛的资格。韦氏高阶〔payoff〕The ousted chairman received a £1.5 million payoff from the loss-making oil company.被罢免的董事长收到了亏损的石油公司150万英镑的补偿金。外研社新世纪〔payoff〕The ousted chairman received a £1.5 million payoff from the loss-making oil company.被解职的主席从亏损的石油公司那里拿到了150万英镑的解约金。柯林斯高阶〔rating〕It has been ousted from top spot in the TV ratings.它已不再位居电视排行榜首位了。牛津搭配〔regime〕An interim government was elected to replace the ousted regime.选出了一个临时政府以取代被赶下台的政权。牛津搭配〔restore〕He said the ousted president must be restored to power.他说被赶下台的总统必须重新掌权。柯林斯高阶〔threat〕The priest remains in hiding after threats by former officials of the ousted dictatorship.受到被驱逐下台的独裁政府官员的威胁后,那个牧师一直藏匿不出。柯林斯高阶〔vicious〕He conducted a vicious campaign to oust her from her job.他为了让她失去那个职位使尽了各种恶毒的手段。外研社新世纪〔while the going is good〕Many people fear that the newly elected government will be ousted in a military coup and are leaving their country while the going is good.很多人担心新当选的政府会被军事政变推翻,所以趁形势尚稳定纷纷离开自己的国家。剑桥高阶He was ousted as chairman after 30 years.做了30年主席后,他被撤职了。剑桥国际He was ousted as chairman.他被免去主席的职位。牛津商务Many people fear that the newly-elected government will be ousted in a military coup and are leaving their country while the going is good (= while they have the opportunity).许多人害怕新选出的政府会被军事政变推翻,因而趁还有机会时逃向国外。剑桥国际Maria ousted Bill from the committee last June and now she's busy changing everything.去年六月份,玛利亚把比尔从委员会里赶了出去,现在她正忙于作彻底变更。剑桥国际Some of them were ousted for holding conventicles. 他们中的一些人由于举行非国教教派的秘密集会而被驱逐出去了。译典通The boss of the group was ousted from his job by fellow directors.这家集团的老板被董事们赶下了台。牛津商务The new product may oust the market leader from its position.这款新产品可能取代市场龙头的位置。牛津商务The team knew that they were capable of ousting the cupholders from the competition.这支球队知道他们能够在比赛中击败奖杯卫冕者。剑桥国际The troops quickly ousted the invaders.部队很快驱逐了入侵者。剑桥国际

