“one part”例句

单词 one part
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔compartmentalize〕They like to use their analytical skills to compartmentalize the different aspects of a challenge and to then address one part at a time.他们喜欢运用自己的分析能力将一项挑战划分为若干不同部分, 然后逐一解决。外研社新世纪〔compensation〕Biology The increase in size or activity of one part of an organism or organ that makes up for the loss or dysfunction of another.【生物学】 代偿作用:生物体或器官的一部分在尺寸或活力上的增加,弥补另一部分的损失或机能失调美国传统〔composition〕Forests vary greatly in composition from one part of the country to another.一个国家不同区域的森林在组成结构上存在很大的差异。柯林斯高阶〔composition〕Forests vary greatly in composition from one part of the country to another.这个国家不同地区的森林在组成结构上有很大的不同。外研社新世纪〔compound〕Botany Composed of more than one part.【植物学】 复合的:由多部分组成的美国传统〔cross-reference〕A reference from one part of a book, index, catalogue, or file to another part containing related information.互见参照:从书、索引、目录或文件的一部分到另一含有相关资料部分的参照美国传统〔cross-refer〕To refer (a reader) from one part or passage to another.互见指引:指引(读者)从书的一处找到另一处美国传统〔detent〕A catch or lever that locks the movement of one part of a mechanism.制动装置:阻止机械装置的某一部分的运动的擒纵装置或控制杆美国传统〔dilute〕Dilute one part of juice with seven parts of water.一份果汁加七份水稀释。外研社新世纪〔divide〕Divide the pastry and roll out one part.把面团切开,把其中一部分擀薄。麦克米伦高阶〔focus〕If one part of the image is in focus, all of the print will be in focus.如果图像一部分的焦点对准了, 整个照片就很清晰。外研社新世纪〔friction drive〕An automotive transmission system in which motion is transmitted from one part to another by the surface friction of rolling contact.摩擦传动:一种通过滚动接触或表面摩擦由一个部分传向另一个部分自动传动系统美国传统〔gimmal〕Any of various linkages allowing one part to rotate within another rotating part, used especially in clockworks.传动件,组合机械:一种连锁装置,可以让一部分跟着另一部分旋转,主要用于钟表装置美国传统〔half〕One part approximately equal to the remaining part.半部分:与余下的部分大致相当的部分美国传统〔hat〕India is one part of the world I would go to at the drop of a hat.印度是世界上我迫不及待想要去的一个地方。柯林斯高阶〔hat〕India is one part of the world I would go to at the drop of a hat.在这个世界上, 印度是我毫不迟疑想去的一个地方。外研社新世纪〔illogical〕It is an illogical statement, because if one part is true, then the other must be false.这个说法不合逻辑,因为如果一部分是对的,那么另一部分肯定是错的。剑桥高阶〔intussusception〕Medicine Invagination, especially an infolding of one part of the intestine into another.【医学】 肠套叠:肠套叠,尤指将一段肠内折入另一段美国传统〔intussuscept〕To take within, as in telescoping one part of the intestine into another; invaginate.使缩入:拿到…里,如使肠的一段叠缩入另一段;使肠套叠美国传统〔lap〕The amount by which one part overlaps another.重叠部分的数量:一部分重叠于另一部分的数量美国传统〔mortification〕Pathology Death or decay of one part of a living body; gangrene or necrosis.【病理学】 坏疽:一个活的生物体的某一部位的坏死或毁灭;坏疽或坏死美国传统〔navigate〕Turtles can navigate from one part of the ocean to another.海龟能从海洋的一处游到另一处去。英汉大词典〔notice〕He noticed a crowd gathered in one part of the square.他发现一群人聚集在广场的一角。英汉大词典〔openness〕Hearing the case in open court is only one part of the judicial process.公开审理这一案件只是司法程序的一部分。柯林斯高阶〔part〕Add three parts wine to one part water.一份水兑上三份葡萄酒。牛津高阶〔part〕Mix one part of the medicine with three parts water.将一份药与三份水混合。剑桥高阶〔part〕Mix one part sugar with two parts flour.将一份糖和两份面粉混合起来。韦氏高阶〔part〕Mix three parts rum to one part lemon juice.将三份朗姆酒和一份柠檬汁混合。外研社新世纪〔part〕Prepare the glue with one part powder to three parts water.用一份粉和三份水来配制胶水。朗文当代〔part〕The movie is one part action and one part comedy. = The movie is equal parts action and comedy.这部电影里的动作成分和喜剧成分各占一半。韦氏高阶〔part〕Use a mixture of one part milk to four parts water.用一份牛奶配四份水的混合物。麦克米伦高阶〔piece〕The building was taken apart and reassembled piece by piece (= one part after another).房子被拆开,又一块块地重新拼搭起来。剑桥高阶〔proportion〕The paint should be mixed in the proportion of one part of paint to two parts of water.涂料应该按一份涂料两份水的比例调合。英汉大词典〔sand〕Mix one part sand to three parts cement.将一份沙和三份水泥混合。剑桥高阶〔simplex〕Consisting of or marked by only one part or element.单一结构的:只由一个部份或元素组成的或以之为特征的美国传统〔skin graft〕A surgical graft of healthy skin from one part of the body to another or from one individual to another in order to replace damaged or lost skin.表皮移植:一种外科移植手术,把健康的皮肤从身体的一部分移到另一部分或从一个个体移到另一个体从而代替损伤了的或失去了的皮肤美国传统〔synesthesia〕A sensation felt in one part of the body as a result of stimulus applied to another, as in referred pain.牵连感觉:因对身体的某一部位的刺激而使身体的另一部位感到此种感觉,如在谈到痛苦时美国传统〔terneplate〕Sheet iron or steel plated with an alloy of three or four parts of lead to one part of tin, used as a roofing material.镀铅铁板:上镀有由三或四的铅比一的锡组成的合金的钢板或铁板,当做屋顶材料美国传统〔trace〕A bar or rod, hinged at either end to another part, that transfers movement from one part of a machine to another.连动杆:用铰链连接在另一部件任意一端的一横条或杆,可将运动从机器的一部分传送到另一部分美国传统〔transition〕A word, phrase, sentence, or series of sentences connecting one part of a discourse to another.转折语:将议论后的一部分和另一部分连接起来的一个词、词组、句子或组句美国传统〔transmit〕The data will be automatically transmitted from one part of the system to another.数据将从系统的一部分自动传送到另一部分。牛津搭配〔transmit〕To convey (force or energy) from one part of a mechanism to another.传到:把(力或能量)从机械装置的一个部分传到另一个部分美国传统〔walk〕The gait of a human being or other biped in which the feet are lifted alternately with one part of a foot always on the ground.步法,脚步:人或其他两足动物的步法,双脚轮流提空,一只脚的某一部分始终接触地面美国传统All this is fair enough, but it is only one part of the story. 所有这些都不错,可是这不过是事情的一面。译典通I spent a year travelling around (=from one part to another of ) Africa and the Middle East.我在非洲和中东各地旅行了一年之久。剑桥国际It's wrong to judge someone on the basis of one part of their life rather than the sum total of it.根据一个人某一生活阶段而不是一生所为来判断他的是非成败是错误的。剑桥国际Mix one part of the medicine with three parts water.把一份药和三份水混和。剑桥国际The building was taken apart, transported across the Atlantic, and reassembled piece by piece (= one part after another) in America.这建筑物被分割,从大西洋运到美国后,又一块块地重建起来。剑桥国际The children were dancing around (=from one part to another of ) the room.孩子们在房间里转来转去跳舞。剑桥国际The idea is that if one part of the system fails, the others continue to run.这个构思是,如果系统的某部分出故障,其他部分也能继续运行。牛津商务

