
单词 pictorial
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Gobelin〕A tapestry of a kind woven at the Gobelin works in Paris, France, noted for rich pictorial design.戈布兰双面挂毯:法国巴黎戈布兰挂毯厂制造的一种挂毯,因富丽的图案设计而驰名美国传统〔background〕The part of a pictorial representation that appears as if it were in the distance and that provides relief for the principal objects in the foreground.远景:绘画表现的构成部分,看起来似乎在远处,为使在前景的主要物体形象更突出美国传统〔chiaroscuro〕The technique of using light and shade in pictorial representation.明暗对照法:绘画中使用光线和阴影的技巧美国传统〔ethogram〕A pictorial catalog of the behavioral patterns of an organism or a species.习性谱:一个有机生物体或一个物种所特有的行为模式的图式目录美国传统〔figural〕Of, relating to, consisting of, or forming a pictorial composition or design of human or animal figures.具有人或动物的形象的:属于、关于或形成人物或动物的组织或形象的,或由此构成的美国传统〔figure〕A pictorial or sculptural representation, especially of the human body.画像、塑像:图片或雕塑的表现,特指人体形象美国传统〔graphic〕A pictorial device used for illustration, as in a lecture.图:一种用于说明的图示手段,如在讲座中用的美国传统〔graphic〕Of or relating to pictorial representation.图形的:图形表达或与之相关的美国传统〔iconography〕Pictorial illustration of a subject.插图:某一主题的图象阐释美国传统〔leap〕The first number of the pictorial leaped straight to success.画报的创刊号一举成功。英汉大词典〔likeness〕A pictorial, graphic, or sculptured representation of something; an image.相片,肖像:模仿某物的绘画、图片或雕像;肖像美国传统〔montage〕A single pictorial composition made by juxtaposing or superimposing many pictures or designs.画面剪辑:由许多画面或图样并列或叠化而成的一个图画作品美国传统〔passion〕A narrative, musical setting, or pictorial representation of Jesus's sufferings.耶稣受难的故事或图画:表现耶稣受难的故事、为此所配的音乐或以此为题材的画美国传统〔pictorial〕Some of the harbourside fishing villages are straight out of coffee-table pictorials.一些海港岸边的渔村景色就是从咖啡桌画刊中截取的。外研社新世纪〔pictorial〕The exhibition is a pictorial history/record of the town in the 19th century.此次展览会采用图片形式再现了该镇19世纪的历史。剑桥高阶〔remembrance〕I took the photos as a pictorial remembrance of the trip.我拍了照片,作为对那次旅行以图片保存的纪念。英汉大词典〔self-portrait〕A pictorial or literary portrait of oneself, created by oneself.自画像,自我描述:自己创造自己的画像或对自己的文学描述美国传统〔tear〕The walls will be decorated with pictures torn out of pictorials.墙壁将用画报上撕下来的画片装饰。 英汉大词典A pictorial history (= Pictures showing the history) of the company was exhibited around the room.公司发展历史的图片在房间的四周展览。剑桥国际A pictorial representation of the statistics, a graph perhaps, would make them easier to understand.统计数字用一个图像表示,也许一个图表,可以使它们更容易理解。剑桥国际She is a highly disciplined theatrical artist with a vivid pictorial imagination (= she can easily change ideas into something that can be seen).她是个相当严格的戏剧艺术家,有丰富的形象化想象力。剑桥国际She thumbed through pictorials to cheat time. 她翻阅画报,借以消磨时间。译典通The police advise homeowners to make a detailed pictorial record of their home by photographing everything that might appeal to burglars.警察建议房主通过对可能吸引小偷的物品拍照,建立他们家庭详细的图片记录。剑桥国际They had insisted on a full pictorial coverage of the events. 他们坚持要用图片来报导这些事件。译典通

