
单词 coconut
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLIMB〕We watched as small boys shinned up palm trees and brought coconuts down. 我们看着小男孩们爬到椰树上,把椰子摘了下来。朗文写作活用〔Creole〕Coconut Rice Balls is a Creole dish.椰丝粉团是一道克里奥尔菜。柯林斯高阶〔FOOD〕For 27 years in the jungles of Guam, Yokoi survived on a diet of shrimp, coconuts, snails, frogs and rats. 在关岛的27年丛林生活中,横井靠吃虾、椰子、蜗牛、青蛙和老鼠为生。朗文写作活用〔PART〕Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries and other Asian dishes. 在许多咖喱食品和其他亚洲菜肴中,椰子是基本原料。朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕He cut the top off the coconut. 他把椰子的顶部削去。朗文写作活用〔SQUASH〕Coconuts have to be crushed in order to extract their oil. 椰子需压碎才能榨油。朗文写作活用〔alternately〕Each piece of material has to be washed alternately in soft water and coconut oil.每块料子必须轮流地用软水及椰手油洗濯。文馨英汉〔ambrosia〕A dessert containing primarily oranges and flaked coconut.柑桔椰子甜食:一种主要由桔子和椰片做成的甜食美国传统〔bountiful〕We found a bountiful supply of coconuts on the island.我们发现岛上有充足的椰子。剑桥高阶〔clench〕With a knife clenched in/between his teeth, he climbed up the tree to cut some coconuts.他嘴里紧咬着一把刀,爬上树去割椰子。剑桥高阶〔coconut milk〕A milky fluid extracted from the flesh of the coconut, used in foods or as a beverage.椰子奶:从椰子果肉中提取的奶状液体,用于食物或作为饮料,美国传统〔coconut milk〕The watery fluid in the central cavity of the coconut, used chiefly as a beverage.椰子汁:椰子壳中的水状液体,主要用来做饮料美国传统〔coconut〕A coconut palm.椰子树美国传统〔coconut〕She broke open the coconut and drank its sweet milk.她打开椰子喝里面的甜椰汁。牛津搭配〔coconut〕The edible white flesh of the coconut, often shredded and used in food and confections or for the extraction of coconut oil.椰子肉:椰子可食用的白果肉,常切碎用作食物和糖果或用于提取椰子油美国传统〔coconut〕The fruit of the coconut palm, consisting of a fibrous husk surrounding a large seed.椰子:椰子树的果实,由纤维状外壳围绕一个大种子组成美国传统〔coconut〕The large, brown, hard-shelled seed of the coconut, containing white flesh surrounding a partially fluid-filled central cavity.椰子:椰子树的褐色硬外壳的大种子,包括围绕有部分液体充填的中央果穴的白果肉美国传统〔coconut〕The pastry is covered with shredded coconut.这种点心上面撒了一层椰蓉。韦氏高阶〔coir〕The fiber obtained from the husk of a coconut, used chiefly in making rope and matting.椰子纤维:从椰子果壳获得的纤维,主要用于制造绳与席美国传统〔copra〕The dried white flesh of the coconut from which coconut oil is extracted.干椰肉:晒干后的白色椰子果肉,可从中榨取椰子油美国传统〔crack〕They used a hammer to crack open the coconuts.他们用锤子把椰子砸开。麦克米伦高阶〔creole〕Coconut Rice Balls is a Creole dish.椰丝粉团是一道克里奥尔菜。外研社新世纪〔cup〕They had coconut shells cupped in their hands.他们用手捧着椰子壳。外研社新世纪〔express〕Coconut milk is expressed from grated coconuts.椰子汁是从擦碎的椰肉里榨出来的。牛津高阶〔fibre〕Coir is a strong material made from coconut fibres.椰子壳纤维是用椰子的纤维制造的一种坚硬的材料。麦克米伦高阶〔fibrous〕The coconut has a fibrous outer covering.椰子有一个纤维质的外壳。朗文当代〔fringe〕The beach was fringed by coconut palms.沿海岸边长着椰子树。牛津高阶〔gado gado〕An Indonesian salad of mixed vegetables dressed with a peanut and coconut milk sauce.卡都色拉:印度尼西亚菜,为淋上花生和椰奶酱的综合蔬菜色拉美国传统〔ingredient〕Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries.椰子是多种咖喱菜的基本成分。牛津高阶〔lustful〕The lustful aroma — a mix of chocolaty caramel and coconut — will have strangers and lovers swooning.混杂着巧克力焦糖和椰果的浓郁芳香会使陌生人和情侣们神魂颠倒。外研社新世纪〔macaroon〕A chewy cookie made with sugar, egg whites, and almond paste or coconut.蛋白杏仁甜饼干:一种不易咬碎的饼干,用糖、蛋白、杏仁糊或可可粉做成美国传统〔milk〕A liquid, such as coconut milk, milkweed sap, plant latex, or various medical emulsions, that is similar to milk in appearance.乳状液:一种样子象奶的液体,如椰子汁、马利筋植物的汁液、植物乳液或各种药物乳状液美国传统〔native〕The coconut palm is a native of Malaysia.椰子树原产于马来西亚。柯林斯高阶〔native〕The coconut palm is a native of Malaysia.这种椰子树原产于马来西亚。外研社新世纪〔nutritive〕Coconut milk has little nutritive value.椰奶的营养价值很低。外研社新世纪〔nutritive〕Coconut milk has little nutritive value.椰子汁没什么营养价值。柯林斯高阶〔piña colada〕A mixed drink made of rum, coconut cream, and unsweetened pineapple juice.果叶朗姆冰酒:用朗姆酒、菠萝汁和椰子汁调和而成的酒美国传统〔restock〕Back on Flatbush Avenue, Pong is busy restocking his shelves with cucumbers and coconuts.回到弗拉特布什大道上,庞正忙着往货架上补充黄瓜和椰子。柯林斯高阶〔sink〕The sun was sinking behind the coconut palms.太阳西下,渐渐沉入椰子树后。朗文当代〔split〕Split the coconut in half.把椰子一分为二。牛津搭配〔strike off〕He struck off the top of the coconut with a machete.他用大刀砍掉椰子顶端。韦氏高阶〔thickly〕The interior flatlands and valleys are thickly planted with coconuts.内陆的平地和山谷中种着茂密的椰子树。柯林斯高阶Coconuts grow on some types of palm.椰子生长在几种棕榈类树上。剑桥国际A lamington is a sponge cake covered with chocolate icing and coconut.拉明顿蛋糕是盖有巧克力糖花和椰丝的松糕。剑桥国际Add 100g of desiccated (= dried and cut into small pieces) coconut to the cake mixture.往蛋糕粉中加入100克干椰丝。剑桥国际For me, the smell of coconut oil conjures up visions of palm trees waving in the breeze.对我来说,椰子油的香味使我的脑海里浮现出了棕榈树在微风中摇曳的景象。剑桥国际He was eating a slice of coconut.他正在吃一片椰肉。剑桥国际I bought a coconut in the market.我在集市上买了一个椰子。剑桥国际I usually put a little grated coconut in the icing.我通常会在糖衣里放一些椰丝。剑桥国际The boy climbed the palm tree with a knife clenched in/between his teeth and began to cut down the coconuts.男孩牙齿紧咬着一把刀爬上了椰子树后,开始割椰子。剑桥国际The falling coconut gave him a terrific bang on the head. 那只掉下的椰子砰地击中他的脑袋。译典通The fuel used is almost invariably charcoal made from wood or coconut shells.使用的燃料几乎总是由木头或椰子壳生产的木炭。剑桥国际They broke the coconut open to reveal the white inside.他们敲开了椰子,露出了白色的内部。剑桥国际We found a bountiful (= large) supply of coconuts on the island.我们发现岛上有充足的椰子供应。剑桥国际

