
单词 clumsy
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CARELESS〕I was tall and clumsy as a child, so I avoided sports. 我小时候个子高而笨拙,因此避免体育运动。朗文写作活用〔CARELESS〕Paula always felt clumsy when she had to serve food to people. 到了要给人端菜时,葆拉老是觉得自己笨手笨脚的。朗文写作活用〔CLUMSY〕Andrew made a clumsy attempt to kiss her, but she pushed him away. 安德鲁笨手笨脚地想亲她,可被她推开了。朗文写作活用〔CLUMSY〕I was so shy and clumsy when I was seventeen. 17岁时,我非常害羞、笨拙。朗文写作活用〔CLUMSY〕You clumsy idiot! Look what you've done to my car. 你这个笨手笨脚的白痴!看看你把我的车子弄成什么样了。朗文写作活用〔STAND〕Ow, you trod on my foot, you clumsy brute! 噢,你踩到我脚了,你这个笨家伙!朗文写作活用〔UNDER/BELOW〕On land the seal is a clumsy creature, but underwater it moves with grace and agility. 海豹在陆上是一种笨拙的动物,可在水中它们的行动却优雅敏捷。朗文写作活用〔accident-prone〕He is clumsy and accident-prone.他拙手笨脚的,总爱出错。韦氏高阶〔ape〕Informal A clumsy or boorish person.【非正式用语】 笨拙的人,粗野的人美国传统〔awkward〕He tried to dance, but he was too clumsy and awkward.他试着跳舞,但是太笨拙,太别扭。牛津高阶〔awkward〕Not dexterous; clumsy.不灵巧的;不灵活的美国传统〔bearish〕Clumsy, boorish, and surly.笨拙的、粗鲁的和乖戾的美国传统〔bear〕A large, clumsy, or ill-mannered person.粗暴的人,卤莽的人:强壮、笨拙或脾气不好的人美国传统〔bit〕He's a bit clumsy.他有点儿笨手笨脚的。外研社新世纪〔blooper〕Informal A clumsy mistake, especially one made in public; a faux pas.【非正式用语】 过失:当众犯的有失体面的错误;失礼美国传统〔blunderbuss〕A person regarded as clumsy and stupid.老犯错误的人,笨拙的人:被认为很笨拙和愚蠢的人美国传统〔boorish〕Resembling or characteristic of a boor; rude and clumsy in behavior.粗笨的:象粗笨之人或以粗笨为特征的;行为举止粗鲁和笨拙的美国传统〔boor〕A person with rude, clumsy manners and little refinement.粗野的人:举止粗鲁、拙笨和没有情趣的人美国传统〔brick〕To make a clumsy social error.犯不雅的社交错误美国传统〔bulky〕Clumsy to manage; unwieldy.庞大的:笨拙得难以控制的;不灵巧的美国传统〔bump〕Tim was a clumsy boy, always bumping into the furniture.蒂姆是个笨手笨脚的孩子,老是撞到家具上。朗文当代〔cack-handed〕Awkward; clumsy.呆板的:笨拙的;不灵活的美国传统〔caricature〕The press caricatured him as clumsy and forgetful.媒体将他丑化成一个笨拙健忘的人。韦氏高阶〔clodhopper〕A clumsy, coarse person; a bumpkin.乡下佬,粗人:愚笨粗俗之人;乡下人美国传统〔clueless〕In the film, Sellers plays a clumsy, clueless French policeman.在这部电影里, 塞勒斯扮演一位笨拙无知的法国警察。外研社新世纪〔clumsily〕He denied the announcement was clumsy and insensitive.他否认声明不得体、不近人情。柯林斯高阶〔clumsily〕It was a clumsy looking aeroplane.那架飞机样子很难看。柯林斯高阶〔clumsily〕The action seemed a clumsy attempt to topple the Janata Dal government.这一试图推翻人民党政府的行动似乎缺乏策略。柯林斯高阶〔clumsily〕The keyboard is a large and clumsy instrument as far as portable computers are concerned.就手提电脑而言,键盘就显得大而笨重了。柯林斯高阶〔clumsily〕Unfortunately, I was still very clumsy behind the wheel of the jeep.令人遗憾的是我开起吉普来还是笨手笨脚。柯林斯高阶〔clumsy〕David made a clumsy attempt to comfort us.戴维笨嘴拙舌地安慰我们。朗文当代〔clumsy〕He denied the announcement was clumsy and insensitive.他否认该通告不得体、不近人情。外研社新世纪〔clumsy〕He is very clumsy. = He is a very clumsy person.他动作很笨拙。韦氏高阶〔clumsy〕He made a clumsy remark about her illness.他说了句关于她生病的蠢话。牛津同义词〔clumsy〕His clumsy fingers couldn't untie the knot.他的手很笨拙,无法解开这个结。牛津高阶〔clumsy〕His choice of words was clumsy.他的措词很不得体。麦克米伦高阶〔clumsy〕His rowboat was a clumsy affair made out of old boxes.他的划艇是用旧箱板制成的粗糙东西。英汉大词典〔clumsy〕I felt clumsy, shy and awkward at the party.我觉得自己在聚会上笨手笨脚的,又胆小又不自然。朗文当代〔clumsy〕I have very clumsy hands and tend to drop things.我笨手笨脚的,总爱弄掉东西。韦氏高阶〔clumsy〕I spilt your coffee. Sorry—that was clumsy of me.我弄洒了你的咖啡。对不起,我真是笨手笨脚的。牛津高阶〔clumsy〕I'm sorry about spilling your wine—that was very clumsy of me.抱歉,弄洒了你的葡萄酒——我真是笨手笨脚的。韦氏高阶〔clumsy〕My attempts to apologize were very clumsy (= not said well).我想道歉,却拙嘴笨舌的。剑桥高阶〔clumsy〕Oh, how clumsy of me!噢, 我太笨手笨脚了!外研社新世纪〔clumsy〕She made a clumsy attempt at a joke.她生硬地开了个玩笑。韦氏高阶〔clumsy〕She made a clumsy attempt to apologize.她本想道歉,但措词生硬。牛津高阶〔clumsy〕The action seemed a clumsy attempt to topple the Janata Dal government.这一试图推翻人民党政府的行动似乎缺乏策略。外研社新世纪〔clumsy〕The complaints procedure is clumsy and time-consuming.申诉程序复杂耗时。牛津高阶〔clumsy〕The first mobile phones were heavy and clumsy to use, but nowadays they are much easier to handle.第一代手机用起来很笨重,而现在的手机就轻便多了。剑桥高阶〔clumsy〕The keyboard is a large and clumsy instrument as far as portable computers are concerned.就手提电脑而言, 键盘就显得大而笨重了。外研社新世纪〔clumsy〕The translations are clumsy.译文拙劣。英汉大词典〔clumsy〕Unfortunately, I was still very clumsy behind the wheel of the jeep.令人遗憾的是, 我开起吉普来还是笨手笨脚的。外研社新世纪〔cobbler〕Archaic One who is clumsy at work; a bungler.【古语】 工作拙劣的人;粗制滥造者美国传统〔complex〕If you keep telling her she's clumsy, you'll give her a complex.如果你不断地说她笨手笨脚,就会惹得她心绪不宁。麦克米伦高阶〔elephantine〕Ponderously clumsy.巨大而笨拙的美国传统〔finger〕His clumsy fingers struggled with the buttons.他用笨拙的手指努力扣衣扣。牛津搭配〔flounder〕To make clumsy attempts to move or regain one's balance.挣扎:笨重地尝试着移动或重获平衡美国传统〔gait〕His movements were clumsy, and his gait peculiarly awkward.他动作笨拙,步态尤其难看。柯林斯高阶〔gait〕His movements were clumsy, and his gait peculiarly awkward.他行动起来很不灵活, 步态非常难看。外研社新世纪〔galoot〕A person, especially a clumsy or uncouth one.家伙:一个人,尤指笨拙的或古怪的人美国传统〔galoot〕You clumsy galoot! 你这笨蛋!朗文当代〔gouge〕Clumsy movers made a gouge in the table by forcing it through the doorway.笨拙的搬场工人把桌子硬塞进门口,结果桌子被划了一道深痕。英汉大词典〔graceless〕Lacking grace; clumsy.不够优雅的;笨拙的美国传统〔hooker〕An old worn-out or clumsy ship.破船,老式船:一只用旧的或笨重的船美国传统〔hoser〕A clumsy, boorish person, especially an uncouth, beer-drinking man.粗俗之人:指庸俗、粗野的人,尤其是指未穿衣服、喝着啤酒的男人美国传统〔hulk〕One, such as a person or an object, that is bulky, clumsy, or unwieldy.大个子,庞然大物:庞大、笨拙或不灵便的(人或物体)美国传统〔klutz〕A clumsy person.粗笨的人美国传统〔land〕Swans are graceful swimmers, but they're clumsy on land.天鹅在水中姿态优雅,但它们在陆地上却很笨拙。麦克米伦高阶〔lob〕Chiefly British A clumsy dull person; a lout.【多用于英国】 笨拙的人;蠢人美国传统〔lubber〕A clumsy person.笨人美国传统〔lug〕Slang A clumsy fool; a blockhead.【俚语】 傻瓜:笨拙而不灵活的人;榆木疙瘩美国传统〔lummox〕A person regarded as clumsy or stupid.笨蛋:被认为是迟钝或愚蠢的人美国传统〔lumpish〕Clumsy or cumbersome.不灵活的或妨碍的美国传统〔maladroit〕He was a clumsy, maladroit man.他是一个笨手笨脚的人。外研社新世纪〔male〕She referred to her husband's friends as “a bunch of clumsy males.” 她把她丈夫的朋友们称为“一群笨男人”。韦氏高阶〔manoeuvre〕That was a really clumsy manoeuvre.那真是个笨拙的动作。外研社新世纪〔meatball〕Slang A stupid, clumsy, or dull person.【俚语】 笨蛋,蠢人,乏味的人美国传统〔mirth〕Her clumsy attempt to cut the cake was the cause of much mirth.她笨手笨脚切蛋糕的样子引来捧腹大笑。韦氏高阶〔movement〕Her movements were somewhat clumsy.她的动作很笨拙。剑桥高阶〔move〕A clumsy move might trigger the bomb.操作不当可能会引爆炸弹。外研社新世纪〔muff〕A clumsy or bungled action.笨手笨脚:笨拙的或拙劣的行为美国传统〔oaf〕A person regarded as stupid or clumsy.蠢人,笨人:被认为愚蠢笨拙的人美国传统〔oaf〕Mind that cup, you clumsy oaf! 当心那个杯子,你这笨手笨脚的家伙!牛津高阶〔oaf〕You clumsy oaf! You broke it! 你这个笨手笨脚的蠢货!你把它打碎了!剑桥高阶〔overture〕He had lately begun to make clumsy yet endearing overtures of friendship.最近他开始主动表示友好,样子笨拙却又招人喜爱。柯林斯高阶〔overture〕He had lately begun to make clumsy yet endearing overtures of friendship.近来他开始主动示好, 样子笨拙却惹人喜爱。外研社新世纪〔palooka〕Slang A stupid or clumsy person.【俚语】 笨手笨脚的人:愚蠢或笨拙的人美国传统〔push ahead〕He is so clumsy that he can't even push the small cart ahead.他真是笨手笨脚,连小推车都不会推。21世纪英汉〔rhyme〕The lyrics are banal and the rhymes clumsy.歌词平庸老套, 押韵也很拙劣。外研社新世纪〔rhyme〕The lyrics are banal and the rhymes clumsy.歌词平淡老套,押韵生硬蹩脚。柯林斯高阶〔sad sack〕A person regarded as extremely inept or clumsy.糊涂人:被认为极端不称职或笨拙的人美国传统〔schlep〕A person regarded as clumsy or stupid.被认为笨拙或愚蠢的人美国传统〔schmuck〕A person regarded as clumsy or stupid; an oaf.傻瓜:被认为笨拙或愚蠢的人;傻瓜美国传统〔smartness〕He is still smarting over criticism of his victorious but clumsy performance.他还在为别人批评他尽管最终胜出但表现笨拙感到闷闷不乐。柯林斯高阶〔spaz〕One who is considered clumsy or inept.笨拙者:手脚不灵活或是无能笨拙的人美国传统〔spaz〕To be clumsy or inept.笨拙:手脚不灵活或是无能笨拙美国传统〔splay〕Clumsy or clumsily formed; awkward.样子难看的或笨拙的;蠢笨的美国传统〔thumb〕Lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; clumsy.笨拙的:缺少身体上的协调、技能或风度的;笨拙的美国传统〔tinker〕A clumsy repairer or worker; a meddler.笨拙的修理者或工人;喜欢管闲事的人美国传统〔tub〕Informal A wide, clumsy, slow-moving boat.【非正式用语】 行驶缓慢的船:宽大、笨拙、速度缓慢的船只美国传统〔uncoordinated〕She was clumsy and uncoordinated as a girl.她这个女孩笨手笨脚的,协调能力差。剑桥高阶〔wag〕To walk with a clumsy sway; waddle.摇摆着走:笨拙地摇摆着走;蹒跚美国传统〔wallop〕To move in a rolling, clumsy manner; waddle.蹒跚:以一种摇晃、笨拙的方式行走;摇摇摆摆地行走美国传统〔wooden〕Clumsy and awkward; ungainly.笨拙的和不灵敏的;不雅的美国传统Her city slicker boyfriend looked pretty clumsy out here on the farm. 她那个衣著讲究世故老练的城市男友到了农庄这里看起来挺笨拙的。译典通I tried to excuse myself for missing her party but my attempts were very clumsy (=not said well).我试图为错过她的晚会找个藉口,但我发现我的解释显得非常的笨拙。剑桥国际I wouldn't wear your boots with your white silk skirt if I were you --it looks a bit clumsy (=graceless).如果我是你的话,就不会又穿白绸裙子,又穿靴子,那样看上去有点不太雅观。剑桥国际Mother reproached me for being too clumsy. 母亲责备我笨手笨脚。译典通My clumsy answer hurt her feelings. 我笨拙的回答伤了她的感情。译典通She was clumsy and uncoordinated as a girl.作为一个女孩, 她动作笨而不协调。剑桥国际The clumsy boy bumped into the table. 笨拙的男孩撞到桌子上。译典通The first mobile phones were heavy and clumsy to use but nowadays they are much easier to handle.第一代的移动电话既重用起来又不灵活,然而现在它们要容易操作得多。剑桥国际You clumsy clot! 你这个笨手笨脚的呆子!剑桥国际You clumsy oaf! You've broken it! 你这个笨手笨脚的蠢货!你把它打碎了!剑桥国际

