
单词 mesencephalon
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔brain stem〕The portion of the brain, consisting of the medulla oblongata, pons Varolii, and mesencephalon, that connects the spinal cord to the forebrain and cerebrum.脑干:大脑的一部分,由延髓、脑桥和中脑组成,连接脊髓与前脑和大脑美国传统〔oculomotor nerve〕Either of the third pair of cranial nerves, which originate in the mesencephalon and control most of the muscles that move the eyeballs.动眼神经:第三对脑神经的一条,起自中脑,控制大部分动眼肌美国传统〔optic lobe〕Either of two lobes of the dorsal part of the mesencephalon, containing primary visual centers.视(神经)叶:哺乳动物背部的两视叶之一,包括主要的视神经中枢美国传统〔substantia nigra〕A layer of large, pigmented nerve cells in the mesencephalon that produce dopamine and whose destruction is associated with Parkinson's disease.中脑大神经细胞:中脑中的一层有色大神经细胞,会产生多巴胺、帕金森病引起其死亡美国传统〔tectum〕A rooflike structure of the body, especially the dorsal part of the mesencephalon.顶盖:身体中象顶一样的结构,尤指中脑的背部美国传统〔tegmentum〕A part of the mesencephalon consisting of white fibers running lengthwise through gray matter.大脑脚盖:由纵长地穿过灰色物质的白色纤维组成的中脑的一部分美国传统

