“on bail”例句

单词 on bail
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INNOCENT〕After pleading not guilty to the charges of conspiracy, Davis was released on bail. 戴维斯对同谋的控告表示不认罪后被保释了。朗文写作活用〔accused〕The accused are out on bail.被告们被保释出狱了。外研社新世纪〔appeal〕Jones has been released on bail pending an appeal(=until there is an appeal).琼斯被保释到上诉时。麦克米伦高阶〔bail〕Carpenter is free on bail while he appeals his conviction.卡彭特不服定罪,上诉期间获保释。朗文当代〔bail〕He committed another robbery while out on bail.他在具保候审期间又再次抢劫。牛津搭配〔bail〕He is now free on bail. = He's out on bail.他现在是在保释期。韦氏高阶〔bail〕He was freed on bail pending an appeal.他被取保候审。柯林斯高阶〔bail〕He was released on bail pending an appeal.他交保后被释放, 等待上诉。外研社新世纪〔bail〕He was released/remanded on bail (of $100,000).他在交了(10万美元的)保释金后被放了出来。剑桥高阶〔bail〕He's on bail awaiting trial for murder.他处于保释期, 等待谋杀案的审判。外研社新世纪〔bail〕Rosenthal is currently free on bail.罗森塔尔目前取保获释。牛津搭配〔bail〕She was freed on bail pending an appeal.在上诉期间她交保释金后获释。麦克米伦高阶〔bail〕She was murdered by a man who was out on bail for rape.她被一名犯强奸罪获保在外的男子杀害。朗文当代〔bail〕The three men were released on bail pending an appeal.这三名男子获准保释等候上诉。朗文当代〔bind〕To hold on bail or place under bond.保释:支持保释或以保证书保释美国传统〔committal〕He was released on bail pending committal proceedings.他交保获释正在候审。牛津高阶〔condition〕He was released on bail on condition that he did not go within half a mile of his mother's address.他被保释,条件是不得进入他母亲住址半英里的范围内。朗文当代〔enquiry〕She has been released on bail pending further enquiries.她取保候审。牛津搭配〔free〕The court ruled that he should be freed on bail of $50 000.法庭判定他交纳 50,000 美元保释金即可获释。牛津搭配〔let out〕Moffat was let out on bail.莫法特交纳保释金后获释。外研社新世纪〔pending〕He was released on bail pending further inquiries.他获得保释,等候进一步调查。牛津高阶〔pending〕She received a four-year sentence and is currently out on bail pending appeal.她被判了四年刑,目前获准保释,等待上诉。韦氏高阶〔pending〕The defendant is free on bail pending appeal to a higher court.在向高级法院提请上诉期间,被告可以保释。麦克米伦高阶〔release〕He was released on bail.他被保释出来了。柯林斯高阶〔release〕She was arrested for shoplifting but was released on bail (= after paying a sum of money to the court).她因为在商店行窃而被捕,但是在交纳保释金后就被释放了。剑桥高阶〔release〕The prisoner was released on bail.囚犯被保释出来了。外研社新世纪〔release〕Two men were arrested and then released on bail.保释某人麦克米伦高阶〔remand〕All 12 were remanded on bail of £500 each until November 18.所有12名被控人被准予各付500英镑保释至11月18日开庭继续审理时止。英汉大词典〔remand〕Both were remanded on bail by Wrexham magistrates until March 24.两个人都被雷克瑟姆的地方治安官批准保释,直到3月24日审判。柯林斯高阶〔remand〕He's been remanded on bail for a month (=allowed to leave the law court and go home to wait for trial) .他已经取保候审一个月了。朗文当代〔remand〕The defendant is remanded on bail until the trial begins.交保候审麦克米伦高阶He was released/remanded on bail (of $ 100 000).他因支付(100 000 美元)保释金而被保释/还押。剑桥国际She was arrested for shoplifting but was released on bail (= after paying a sum of money to the law court).她因在商店偷窃被捕,但被保释了。剑桥国际She was released on bail after being arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated.她在因醉酒开车遭逮捕和控告之后被保释出来。剑桥国际She was released on bail.她获得保释。牛津商务Somerset police report that a third of all crimes are committed by people out on bail (= who have been released before going on trial).萨默塞特郡的警方声称三分之一的罪行都是那些在保释期的人犯下的。剑桥国际

